023 Laser Fires, SEFF & Road Trips

by FliteTest | April 21, 2014 | (20) Posted in Podcasts

In this episode we talk about the infamous laser cutter fire incident, adventures at SEFF down in Georgia, new FliteTest product releases and we answered a bunch of Facebook questions! 

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Josh's Instagram: @flitetestjb
Alex's Instagram: @zvada 
Austin's Instagram: @austinj_f

Want to leave us a voicemail? Click here!
We just might play it on the next show! 
If you don't have a computer microphone, you can also download the SpeakPipe app for iPhone or iPad and leave a message that way. Remember to leave your name, where you are from and your question/discussion topic in under a minute to have the best chance of being played on the show!

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waytooslow on April 25, 2014
Release the KRAKEN!! Congrats Austin!
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DennisN on April 23, 2014
Great podcast again guys. Makes the commute to/from work a lot more enjoyable!

Also, Austin, congrats on becoming a dad! Great choice of name too! My 6 month old son is also called Charlie ;) Either way, enjoy you'll enjoy your fatherhood, I promise! :)
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drbohlen on April 22, 2014
you guys mentioned some $19 dollar thing you bought to prevent the fire next time, and then you never mentioned what it actually was. And what is the full size flight simulator you use for your tablet?
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Pat on April 24, 2014
Congratulations, Austin! Also, good job keeping the podcast going along, it sounds like the talent arrived to the show inebriated!
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Pass1 on April 28, 2014
Where is Alex's youtube channel?!
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fabLAB Asturias on April 22, 2014
Never leave the laser cutter unattended!

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Ano Pilot on April 22, 2014
???? For FPV beginners, like me: using standard equipment ie. 250mw tx (Fatshark Attitude SD V2 package) could you provide some advice on how to fly the terrain? What I mean is: how much trouble do trees cause? am I right in trying to work out the topography in advance to avoid flying below take-off-ground-level ? Obviously I could work this out by trial and error, but you guys have already done it: right?
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TehMaxwell on April 28, 2014
I can't answer for the great guys at FliteTest, but from my recent experience I would say that you should try and keep it as simple as possible. Before you fly, identify landmarks which will be easily visible from the air, so that you can reference where you are sky whilst flying. When flying try to stay a few mistakes high, making sure you don't go to low, don't try and follow the ground, you need to get used to the FPV sensation first! If you can get someone to buddy lead you so they can save you if something goes wrong.

Ultimately enjoy it! FPV is fantastic!
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HilldaFlyer on April 28, 2014
Try this to prevent fires.
Zoom... Cheers
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JamesWhomsley on April 23, 2014
Great podcast, and congratulations Austin!
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AGalea on April 23, 2014
Hi There, due to the laser accident, will this effect the order I placed on the 21/04/14? My order is still appearing as "Process" :(
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F2G2Corsair on April 22, 2014
Looks like you guys could use some micro multicopter suggestions. I found a couple that I'd love to see reviewed.
Soma Warpquad: http://vimeo.com/86291282 This is the most agile multicopter I've ever seen!
3D Printed Folding Quad: http://www.hovership.com/2014/02/07/3d-printable-folding-micro-fpv-h-quadcopter/

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Jo_ on April 22, 2014
Well, I hope my parents allow me to go there. Also, hopefully the train won't be too expensive...
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Jo_ on April 22, 2014
90 euro's or more with the train. Crap
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rcflyer729 on April 22, 2014
I loved it! Another great podcast! I really think you should upload the fire video to your gremlin channel!! keep it up :)
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flitetest_argentina on April 22, 2014
Guys...I have a big problem with you and it is so simple to explain: I AM ADDICTED TO FLITETEST! I was eating a pasta while listening to the podcast and then Austin says "Mateo" and I was like "what?", hahaha. I totally forgot that I've made a question for the podcast. Thank you very much for awnsering my question. I love when Josh names me, it happened to me 2 times before, in our skype talk 2 years ago and the July UPDATE 2012 you made.

So again, thank you for making me addict and for mentioning my show (it's all because of you). Cheers from Argentina,
Mateo and the staff.
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BigRed1 on April 22, 2014
Man, thanks for the shout out! Glad you guys posted the photo. And Im sad to say that at this current point in time I'm not married. ( plans are in the making though (cross-fingers!))
Very entertaining podcast guys. Nice to know you guys had just as much fun as we did.
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shermanhartman on July 17, 2014
Does anybody know if the video from the laser fire is uploaded anywhere? I wana watch it.
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023 Laser Fires, SEFF & Road Trips