038 Horizon's Matt Andren Interview

by FliteTest | August 8, 2014 | (11) Posted in Podcasts

Today we interview Matt Andren, Horizon Hobby's Primary Product Developer. Matt is very influential in the E-flite and Parkzone product lines which we have really enjoyed throughout the years. We dig into some really fun questions with him and discuss the process of how Horizon creates new planes, discontinues popular planes and much more. 

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Doofer Thud on August 8, 2014
Hi guys from Adelaide Australia. I look forward to your podcast each week and love hearing the crash stories. Nice to hear from Matt, He sounds like a great guy. I have just ordered the new Bix 3 from Hobby King and looking forward to doing a bit of slow-fly gliding.
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Ano Pilot on August 10, 2014
Can we have a review on the new Parkzone Sukhoi 29mm. I have one and I'd love to know what you think. Plus, excellent podcast, thanks.
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Ultimate_Red on August 10, 2014
Why don't you do one? It would get you many views as a youtube video and it would make an excellent article on the Flite Test website. Try it. You never know; You might just like doing reviews :)
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austinfurey on August 12, 2014
Your wish is our command :)
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FliteGreg on September 18, 2014
One of the very best episodes of the FT podcast! Let's hope we "see" Matt again soon!
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DFX2KX on August 20, 2014
I've noticed their prices dropping slowly, which is nice, because anything with stabilization is wayyyy out of my price range.
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Zeb Ludlow on February 11, 2015
I love HorizonHobby but i have one big problem with them. I want ALL their planes!
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038 Horizon's Matt Andren Interview