12" WIng

by BigRed1 | July 10, 2012 | (9) Posted in Projects



 This is my first scratch build ever. I am apologizing in advance for how horrible this article may be. This mini wing is built from the 24" plans with every dimension divided by two. The parts were rather simple. Its all dollar tree foam board. The receiver I used is from my MCX heli that I no longer fly, but a regular UM board will work. The motor is from the UM T-28, which is the exact same motor as the UM P-51. The control surface horns are standard UM control horns and were actually salvaged from an earlier wreck. I still need to apply some velcro for the battery but for preliminary flight purposes I just taped the battery to the bottom and it worked just fine. The push rods are what gave me the most trouble. If you build this make sure you have the length exactly right or it will be a bear to get it to fly level. The body itself uses a KFM Airfoil covered with clear packing tape. The hinges are also clear packing tape. I am more than happy to answer any questions you have about this build. Like I said this is my first article so I'm not exactly sure what all I need to put in it.


Here are the plans all  credit goes to forlack from RCgroups.com




 -Low, Fast an Hot.







3DMad5 on July 22, 2012
Good job on a first scratchbuild!
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TommyG on July 10, 2012
Nice looking wing!
I can't quiet tell from the photo, but ss that a 5-in-1 board from a micro heli (like the HK-190) that you have used for electronics/servos?
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BigRed1 on July 10, 2012
yea its the 5-in-1 Control Unit,RX/Servos/ESCs/Mixer/Gyro:BMCX by: BLADE
Item: EFLH1065 at horizonhobby.com. I could be wrong but i think when you switch it over from heli to elevon it cancels the gyro. However i would recommend the UM t-28, UM P-51, or possibly the J-3 board ( if it will handle elevon mixing) just to be on the safe side. I recently switched mine out to the UM T-28 board. expo set at 70, 30.
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spencer on July 10, 2012
Would love to see some video's of it. I've got an old Parkzone Micro J3 that is just sitting around. I wonder if could make one of these fly with it's electronics. Only issue would be elevon mixing I'm guessing... Hmm... got me thinking now.

Thanks for the build article!
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12" WIng