12km Longrange Zephyr II flight

by RCSchim | June 14, 2014 | (5) Posted in Challenges

My friend asked me for a good location to do a longrange flight - so we started up this hill. He flew only over unpopulated area, uses RUBY autopilot, a great videolink (incl IBCracy Pepperbox antenna!) and a very stable EzUHF JR Module in the new Taranis. The whole flight was without a glitch, only on LOW POWER mode of EzUHF and it was really high humidity (short after the flight it rained). So this 12km show the littel and cheap JR module doesn't stand behind it's bigger brother (the EzUHF Box)!
The kids also loved my public viewing screen and we had to keep them from crowding us in and maybe tear out a cable or so ;-)


Balu on June 15, 2014
Don't you have "line of sight" rules in Austria?
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Chad on June 14, 2014
Nicely Done keep up the good work.
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Nabbs1 on July 26, 2015
awww private
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12km Longrange Zephyr II flight