2geeks1hobby Debut

by Corsair2014 | February 12, 2013 | (0) Posted in Just Fun


a short video of our first flights together. We were best friends in elementary school, but then moved to different schools for middle school and highschool. Now, about 6 years later, we have gotten back in touch and have formed a little "coalition" called 2geeks1hobby. 


In the future we will be adding much better videos, this was just to get the ball rolling from our first flights together. More to come includes fpv and scratchbuilds


Skipp2Maloo on February 17, 2013
Great way for friends to get high together.
Is this field in Tomball? Sure looks like it.
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Corsair2014 on February 17, 2013
haha i just caught the pun(;
nope not in tomball, its just outside of Cypress. Its right behind of Dyess Park (baseball fields). it's called Sparks RC club
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eagle4 on February 14, 2013
Its been taken down cause you've used copyrighted music.
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Adib Vahedi on February 13, 2013
i Cant see the video!!!!!!!!!!! ;(
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Corsair2014 on February 13, 2013
oh no :(

here is a direct link!

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Corsair2014 on February 13, 2013
direct link incase you cant see vid...

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2geeks1hobby Debut