3D printed Tricopter Tail/Yaw Mechanism available

by cacomistle | May 3, 2014 | (10) Posted in Projects

I have been designing some yaw mechanims for RCExplorer style tricopters - something has better quality and looking than the scratch built ones, and doesn't need heavy mod to the pricy ditital servo itself. I made the following designs for Shapeways, as it offers so cheap price for 3D printing. And it's material selection is very robust. I tried my best to optimize the structure, to make each design as light as possible (also as cheap as possible, as Shapes calculate the price by cubic cm), while as strong as possible.

If you think my designs are not bad ideas, you can order them from the links at end of the article.

All the servos here if not mentioned otherwise are the good nice Turnigy S306G metal gear digital servo. (http://bit.ly/1aBV5KE) From my experience, I think it's compact, durable, and super responsive.


First I tried an integrated approach - everything is printed include the shaft, just for testing. The servo is vertically mounted. There are reserved holes on the moving part. Use 2 screws to fix the servo arm to it. This can last pretty long, with the 3d printed plastic shaft. 

Then I made the V2 design, as the plastic shaft can wearout if you fly frequently. This version use a 3mm motor shaft to enable the yaw mechanism. The beauty of it is that it's very strong, very smooth and highly accessible. But you do will need to get it if you don't have broken motors around. This version doesn't require special boom size, you can mount it to any square boom from the top. 

Still I don't want to have any modifications to the servo. So you can easily remove the servo for other purpose. First screw the servo arm that comes with the servo, to the moving part. Then just push in the servo, and secure it with screws. Again, the servo I took is the Turnigy S306G, as it was the only decent servo I had around. But I assume you can use other same sized servo without modifying the 3D printed parts. (I noticed the cheap HXT900 servos are of the same size.)

Howerver, to install the machanism, don't rush into fitting the shaft and servo first. Take the lower part and bolt it on to the boom. This will save you trouble trying to screw in an awkward position. This mount fit only 28/26 size motors, perfectly.

Last month, as I planed to get 3 DT750 motors, I decided to update the mechanism to V3. The motor mount is upgraded to 3mm solid, with lager mounting pad that fits the DT750 motor's huge stand. The mount is also moved toward the boom, so it won't break as easy. The lower part is not changed from the V2 design.

Here are the links to the 3 yaw mechanisms.

UAVMaker V1   http://bit.ly/1iLmoJ9

UAVMaker V2   http://bit.ly/1kGx0aC

UAVMaker V3 DT750   http://bit.ly/1lM2ywJ

'brand' name changed to  UAVMaker notice (updated May 29, 2014):

It's very funny that today a guy who claims to own this shop www.DroneMaker.co.il, threated to sue me because he consider me as a big competitor. :)
So, I need to clearify that I'm a individual who has no intend to make my hobby into a business. Yes I spent my passion and time on creating thoses models and I was hoping to get something back for my effort. That's why I need to have a name for my works. But really? Suing me? Clearly guys like this are ruining the maker community.

Any how I have no time and energy to deal with bullies like this. I'll still be interested in the hobby, under a name that is so lame that no other profitbal entities has registered yet, UAVMaker. LOL


P.S. I found that there's no elegant solution for a Mobius pan-tilt mechanism, so I modeled this one (http://shpws.me/sBxd):

Test print with MakerBot:

This pan-tilt mechanism is very strong, as the main parts are 2mm thick. This can eleminate undisired floppiness during flight.

I didn't design the mount for the whole mechanism. As I figure cutting a hole on the foam and stick the lower servo in with some hot glue should do it. I made a Bixler fusalge cover out of 5mm foam board. Works great with this mechanism.

You will need two HXT900 servos and a 3.5mm thrust bearing(golden part above) to make it work best. (Washers would be fine if you can't find the bearing. I used this one: http://bit.ly/1nTPW97


Another new design uploaded to my ShapeWays page! (http://shpws.me/ubYd)

This a carefully designed Mobius tray for brushless gimbal! Very clean, light-weight setup. Even with an integrated case to place the IMU! :)


Bdilks27 on May 22, 2014
Dude seriously. this is truly awesome.

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cacomistle on May 22, 2014
Thank you man!
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fabLAB Asturias on May 22, 2014
Nice!!! I'll print one of these yaw mechanisms.
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coombs on June 3, 2014
From what I can tell, you have to buy the printed version from shapeways.com. He's not giving away the STL files for free.
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cacomistle on May 29, 2014
Hi all thank you for being interested in my designs. I've noticed that my price was set too high. I've lowered my part of earning of all the designs to $3 dollars. But still, in general 3D printing is conceptual, and the cost is high. The bright side is that we can customize parts that big dealer will never bother to make. I consider this would be a fair amount for the effort I put into all these designs. If you like these works, please support me by trying out and giving me feedbacks.

And if you have some customized parts that you want to have for you own equipments, comment below or send me a message. I'll make it for you if there are others who want the same :)
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IceWolFF on June 12, 2014
Can you contact me when V3 is up again, or make one without logo, why logo, nobody gone see it anyway.. and morb gimbal is nice but i have a go pro +
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paulnb57 on May 26, 2014
These are awesome! Its a shame they cost so much, I would love to try the DT 750 yaw mount but to buy one and a spare is just a bit too spendy, such a shame...

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cacomistle on May 29, 2014
Hi paulnb57 Thank you for being interested in my designs. These are not mass productions, and 3D printing is still a expensive way to produce products. Besides, I'd like to earn a few money back by adding a few buck to the Shapeways price to compensate my work hour a bit. But in the near future, I'll lower the price, even open the STL file once I got what I think I should have. :)
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NeoMatrixJR on October 29, 2014
Any chance you could make the STL file(s) available, even for a small fee just to get the file?
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tophe75 on May 26, 2014
There are a lot of 3D printed designs out there (http://www.thingiverse.com/search/page:2?q=rcexplorer&sa=)

A lot of people also has done 3D printable designs of the FT hardware like the swappable firewall and control horns and so on (http://www.thingiverse.com/search/page:1?q=flitetest&sa=)

I use (for the foam designs) only 3D printed hardware.
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apnewton on May 22, 2014
Stunning illustrations. Any photos of the real thing?
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cacomistle on May 22, 2014
I have a photo of the Pan-Tilt now uploaded to shapeways' page. It works perfectly. I'll upload the Yaw V3 soon. :)
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IceWolFF on June 10, 2014
I placed a order for design v3 for dt750 motor, but got mail back ::
After taking a closer look, we cannot print part of your order 4-------6, placed on 06/09/2014.
We’ve refunded €---- to your original payment method for the following:
1 X UAVMaker Tricopter Yaw Mechanism V3 DT750 in White Strong & Flexible Polished designed by UAVMaker - $----
Given the nature of 3D printing, converting digital files into physical products, every now and then we catch designs that would be too fragile to create in certain materials. Though we do our best to identify these issues as early as possible, some are only found during the manufacturing process. What you can do is:
Contact the product designer -- they can help resolve the issues found during the manufacturing process.

TO BAD, realy liked the design, now gone build 1 myself
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cacomistle on June 10, 2014
Hi I got message from Shapeways immediately you put the order. It can be printed. The problem was caused by some thin walls from the logo. I'll update it soon so that It won't cause anyone else any problem. Btw, check a new design for using Mobius with brushless gimbals.
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kknapp on May 22, 2014
Nice design any chance you will post the stl files for those of us with a 3D printer
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cacomistle on May 29, 2014
Hi kknapp. I've spend quite time to design these models. I'd like to earn a few money back by adding a few buck to the Shapeways price to compensate my work hour a bit. But I'll lower the price or even open the STL file to everyone once I got what I should have. Don't worry, I'm not greedy. :)
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3D printed Tricopter Tail/Yaw Mechanism available