3TI Glider (Swappable)

by advation | May 27, 2013 | (13) Posted in Projects

Here's a quick swappable glider my friend and I came up with one weekend. We've tested it under power and with a hight start launch. 

The wing is made out of two sheets of foam board as well as the body. 

It weights just over 1.2 lbs and floats like a dream!

We don't have video of powered flight just yet but should be posting that soon. Enjoy!!

Picture of Power Pod and Glider Pod


jujitsuboy76 on May 30, 2013
I would also like to see a swappable glider. If it flies like a radian I think Flite Test will feature it as a scratch build series then add it to the store which I'll definitely build and buy and do great mods:)
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advation on May 30, 2013
Our design was inspired by the Carl Goldberg Gentle Lady. Haven't flown a Radian myself but our design definitely floats in little to no wind. Almost annoying to land because it just hangs in the air! Would be pretty cool to get some community input on the design once we post more details!
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advation on June 3, 2013
Just wanted to post an update. Unfortunately the weather wasn't working with us this weekend (winds @ 20 gusting to 30) so powered video hasn't happen yet. We are going to post dimensions hopefully today and plan on getting a powered flight in one evening this week. Thank you for everyone's interest!
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Sirglider on May 30, 2013
It looks very nice! Can you add some build details? Might be interested
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advation on May 30, 2013
You bet!! Still working out some details but should have plans put together before to long. We are going to try and get some more powered flight video taped this weekend. Will definitely post an update! Thanks for the interest!
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ProjectFlightDesign on May 30, 2013
That's great! I'd love to see some dimensions and more info about this!
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advation on May 30, 2013
We'll try to get some dimensions posted ASAP. Keep checking back! Thanks!
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rcspaceflight on May 30, 2013
You should invest in a key chain or wing camera. It would be great to see video from the plane's perspective.
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advation on May 30, 2013
Great idea! We are planning to figure out an FPV system for this platform however a few other projects have priority right now. Once we get the plans completed and posted we may shift gears and focus on FPV.
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eagle4 on May 30, 2013
nice work on the plane mate, my only sugestion would be to film it with your phone sideways, it makes for a much better video.
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advation on May 30, 2013
Very true! On future videos we will be shooting with a DSLR vs a phone cam. Unfortunately that's all we had that evening. We should be getting video of our powered flights this weekend so check back for an update! Thanks!
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mike E on May 30, 2013
Nice plane. i.d like to see a build video and some plans!! Maybe FT can take a look at this one for their Swappable series :)
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advation on May 30, 2013
Thanks! We are working on posting plans soon. Keep watching for an update. It would be pretty cool if the FT guys were interested!
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Galahad on October 26, 2014
Is there any build data yet, thanks.
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3TI Glider (Swappable)