BusyBee TV - Receiver Shoot-Out

by InComing RC | December 18, 2012 | (14) Posted in Reviews

I am glad to see that the Orange Receiver preformed so well, and now I don't have to worry as much when I fly my planes with the Orange Receiver.


StoneBlueAirlines on December 19, 2012
That is why i only got the micro ones from Spektrum. They work perfect for park and that is about all. I will have to try orange next time.
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HigherFlyer420 on December 19, 2012
I woundt trust anything other than combat foamie with anything HK. too high failure rate and too unreliable for me. no thanks. :)
Nice to see one working good tho!
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Cyberdactyl on December 18, 2012
Very loosely conducted, but I still appreciate the effort immensely. I have two Orange 6ch. and the AR8000 and ALL are wonderful, but I understand the apprehension. I think it's from the quality assurance parameters.

What a coincidence, just had this discussion today. . .


No doubt the Orange 6ch.+sat are WELL worth $7+11 as compared to $90-ish.

Thank you. . .4 stars!
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Benn Gunn on December 18, 2012
Cool as always ... I think people would be happier if the orange receiver was not transparent orange.... merry xmas
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flitetest_argentina on December 19, 2012
great! 5 stars from me...this helped me a lot!
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ABQ Bobcat on December 18, 2012
Thanks for doing this research. I've always thought the same as you and used my more expensive receivers for the good planes and this shows that I probably don't need to worry about it. Nice to know that when all is said and done, the receivers perform about the same.
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lobstermash on December 19, 2012
Another dollar in the 'mythbusters science' jar please.

But yeah, nothing wrong with the Orange receivers. They have a better minimum voltage (3V) than the genuine receivers (3.5V), which are known to brown out. The biggest issue with the Orange receivers is the dated protocol, not their hardware.
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BusyBee TV - Receiver Shoot-Out