DR Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Bixler

by SeanJuan73 | November 14, 2012 | (27) Posted in Projects

So I have been flying my Bixler with a GoPro attached and like many, I want to get the nose out of the video. So the majority of what I have seen has been hacking the nose off of the plane. Well I still want to fly my Bixler around like a normal plane so I have a few options. Get another Bixler and hack it’s nose off or be content with the nose being in my shots OR do something completely different.

I chose something completely different and started coming up with my interchangeable 2 headed Bixler or DR Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Bixler. This is still an experiment, since at this time I have not had it up in the air to see how it flies; the weather has not been very good for a test flight.

I decided I should cut the entire cockpit area off the plane then build a bulkhead that would be used to attach the cockpit back to it for normal flights and another for video flights, that way I could get the best of both worlds and still only use 1 Bixler.

Both heads have their own receiver, which allows me to setup different settings for essentially 2 planes and I used MPX connectors to make all the body mounted connections easier. I also decided to add a battery tray which I am hoping will make positioning the battery easier but also give the heads a good anchor so they don’t fall off. I did go a little overboard with making sure the heads stay secured and realized after gluing in the 4 magnets that they are a little too strong, which makes it a bit tough to pull the heads out, but at least I know I won’t be watching my plane decapitate itself mid-flight.

All-in-all it has been a learning experience and the next system will be different, but I have achieved my goal of having a plane I can fly normally with its nose attached as well as be able to fly it with nose free video.
I would love to see what you all think and maybe together we can improve upon my initial design.

Here are some of the images I took during the build:




SeanJuan73 on November 15, 2012
Thank you everyone for the kind words!
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marcostm25 on November 15, 2012
Really nice.

Do you use hot glue?

I've read that hot glue it's not good for epo, I'm waiting my bixler in a few days and don't know what glue to use in it.
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SeanJuan73 on November 15, 2012
Yes I use hot glue. You will notice in some of the photos, the nut brackets for example, I used hot glue to secure them. But pretty much all of the wood to foam connections are attached with hot glue. keep in mind, I only attached the wood to one half of the plane, that way I can still open the plane fairly easily. The other side is only secured by the clamp screws.
Also I use a Stanley DualMelt Pro Glue Gun (model GR100). It has a low temp setting and some precision tips which helps minimize foam damage and allows you to inject it into small cracks. It's about the best glue gun I have found for foam and other projects.
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FliteTest on November 15, 2012
Great photos! Amazing build!
Thanks for posting.
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earthsciteach on November 15, 2012
Nicely done! Thank you for posting your work. Great idea!
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Fensone on November 15, 2012
Fantastic and very nicely done. That's a very good idea!
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Shady on November 17, 2012
That is Really cool.
Very well thought out.
Coolest thing I've seen in a while.
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Latubi on November 15, 2012
Wou.. That's really something. Great build!
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kenton on November 15, 2012
What a great mod! Would be nice to see a video with some commentary to hear why you choose to do some of the things you did.
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SeanJuan73 on November 15, 2012
I might consider doing that. Thanks for the idea. :)
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colorex on November 15, 2012
HA! Awesome idea!
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Chefinator on November 15, 2012
This is awesome. Great job. Well thought trough!!
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Oceanalexander on November 16, 2012
Pretty cool! Can't wait to get my hands on my Buxler 2.
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SeanJuan73 on November 17, 2012
I have a Bixler 2, it is still in the box atm. The one thing I notice, right off the bat, the 2 plastic tubes used to guide the wing screws into position, are about the most worthless and annoying thing. They basically block any useable space for equipment that you want to be in or near the CG area.
Later this winter I will be researching mods for that and possibly setting up my own. I did however stumble upon something at HK that I have not seen anyone talk about yet. Bixler 1 has been upgraded, which seems odd that they release Bixler V2 and then Bixler V1.1. The fixes they added to Bixler v1.1 basically improves several problems in both V1 and 2. They moved the elevator and rudder servos to the back of the plane with a new access hatch, they added V2 style screw in anchors for the wings, they mounted those screws from the top, rather than the bottom, etc. So basically, they improved everything except it looks like they didn't add flaps, like what the V2 has. I have ordered the new V1.1, which will be here in a few weeks and when it arrives I am going to see if I can sub the Bixler v1.1 body for the v2 body. If I can, I will have a Bixler2 with, better, rear placed servos, flaps and plenty of payload space.
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noam3d on November 15, 2012
I think you should make camera head a bit more aerodynamic to keep the flying characteristics like a normal plane
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SeanJuan73 on November 15, 2012
Already in the works! I have been playing around with different foam to make a nose that covers the bottom. The main reason, when I come in for a landing with the raw head, it is going to catch the ground and not slide right.

So far, I have made the right shape out of a piece of the molded package foam that my TV was packed in, but that stuff is so soft it will not hold up well.

Now, I am considering a few options. One would be glued layers of fan-fold that I shape or make a mold and fill it with a foam like Great Stuff.
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Kevin Lee on November 15, 2012
That awesome ... ! ^^
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Hugo Wilding on November 15, 2012
Awesome!! thanks for sharing!
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Benn Gunn on November 15, 2012
Very clean and tech build ... great stuff
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tophe75 on January 29, 2013
Maybe sharing the plans??? :-)
Very nice idea, thing you are on to something here...
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SeanJuan73 on January 29, 2013
I would love to share the plans, but there weren't any to start with. This was a completely trial and error vision in my head thing that I put together. Another problem is the fact that the Bixler frame I built this for, is no longer purchasable with the release of the Bixler 1.1. So I would have to devise an entirely different system for the v1.1 or v2
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AndyPants on March 6, 2013
Don't you have the laser cutting drawings that you can share, this is truly the best solution and best quality mod I've seen for the FPV Bixler
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SeanJuan73 on March 8, 2013
Laser cutting?!?! Sorry bud... I did this old school, I don't own a laser cutter, this was all done using pencil, contour gauge (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contour_gauge), stencils, measure and cut, band saw, sanders, etc. I wish I had a laser cutter, but I don't
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DR Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Bixler