FPV Adventure - Palm Coast

by InComing RC | September 6, 2012 | (11) Posted in Just Fun

Just another family vacation, this time to Palm Coast Florida. And, yes my tricopter did die :'(



rcjoseb on September 7, 2012
That sizzling sound at the end, not a god thing :-( Sorry to see that it got damaged.
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InComing RC on September 7, 2012
No, it wasn't a good thing, and there was smoke coming from the ESC so that wasn't good either.
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ABQ Bobcat on September 7, 2012
Great video but a horrible way to end a tricopter's life. I'm subscribed because I want to see more! And love the music too.

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InComing RC on September 8, 2012
Yeah it was horrible, thanks!
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colorex on September 7, 2012
That's exactly how my Bixler's ESC burned once! I landed on the sand, but a wave washed over it!

Sorry bout your tricopter...
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InComing RC on September 7, 2012
Thanks, It's a really crapy way to die.
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Rubnorris on September 12, 2012
Well Done!! Me LIKE! =)
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LanMark on September 7, 2012
awesome aerials!.. sucks that it got wet.. at least it wasn't out to sea and harder to recover the craft.
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InComing RC on September 7, 2012
Yes! I am grateful for that.
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FPV Adventure - Palm Coast