FPV GoPro Delay

by rcbif | July 19, 2012 | (12) Posted in Just Fun

There is a strong belief out there among some FPV'ers that flying with the GoPro's A/V out alone is no good because it has a delay, not noticeable/present in popular board/security cameras.

There are a few other disadvantages with the GoPro as a single FPV camera, such as keeping track of it's battery and memory available, ect, but those are arguable.

 So enjoy my quick little test to determine the GoPros A/V out delay. Also note, the average human reaction time is .2 seconds. This reaction time is added to the GoPros delay.

 Do you notice the delay?

Would you fly via GoPro only on a fast FPV plane, or you you prefer a board camera?



hans on July 21, 2012
Do the same test with a sony board camera (or similar) please.
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Nonamerc on July 20, 2012
Where did you got the high speed camera?

(Rated 5 stars)
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rcbif on July 20, 2012
Hello. The camera is a family members Canon point-and-shoot. Most of the new Canon cameras feature this "high speed" filming mode.
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PunkStar Studios on July 19, 2012
I suspect the delay is a result of the video tx/rx and would be present with any camera?

Have you tried the same test with something other than a GoPro?

I suppose IF there was some form of pass-through which other onboard cameras use, and IF GoPro did incur some overhead processing before transmitting then your hypothesis would be correct. Not saying it is or isn't - just saying you need to do some additional tests before making a provocative statement that one would infer there is a deficiency in the GoPro camera from.

Just sayin' ;-)
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rcbif on July 19, 2012
Most (if not all) "real" cameras that have a/v out and recording capabilities (gopro, and some point and shoot digital cameras ex: Canon) feature this delay. Small non recording viewing cameras (security/ board/ CCD) do not have this delay. And if they do, it is not recognizable to the human eye.
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enivid on July 20, 2012
What I'm reading from this is if I want to get started in FPV the GoPro is still a viable option... Seems like a no brainer that the weight and battery savings outweigh the very minor delay, especially on slow flyers.
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FPV GoPro Delay