HobbyKing HK401B gyro

by wongthomas | May 13, 2012 | (5) Posted in Reviews

A review of the HK401B gyro from hobbyking.

Rating (1-10): 1


    - Cheap

    - Simple


    - Does not work as a tail gyro on a helicopter


I will look into the use on a plane, as i seen that others have more luck useing it that way, but as a tail gyro on a helicopter nope.

Link to product: http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__10113__Hobby_King_401B_AVCS_Digital_Head_Lock_Gyro_.html


wongthomas on May 13, 2012
any suggestions are welcome on things like other products to review or just something else to like me to talk about ;)
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lukeer31 on May 13, 2012
The gyro isnt too sensitive on a heli. BUT you need to plug the extra signal lead into CH5 on your receiver and set the GAIN via your transmitter manually, when you do this it is a relatively good gyro :) (but no where near the best)
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wongthomas on May 13, 2012
Hey lukee31, I do know that you need to set the gain on the transmitter, Im happy that yours work fine, as I tried a lot of combo's. and the wag only stop with gain about 7% (spektrum), and there the tail is loose.
check out this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDRD9ftAEfQ
and the one that works, is the old stock, but the other 8 I got is the new stock.

But if you got the new stock and it works, Im happy to hear that
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HobbyKing HK401B gyro