Multi-Rotor Tic-Tac-Toe - Challenge

by FliteTest | September 10, 2012 | (25) Posted in Challenges

Tic-Tac-Toe Challenge with RC Multi-Rotors? ...only on Flite Test! 

Our friend Giacomo, the creator of, joins us today for a radio controlled challenge.  

We setup a giant tic-tac-toe board, we also have a nice selection of quad-copters, hexi-copter, multi-rotor copters to choose from. The goal, land 3 in a row and win!

Below are a few snapshots of the multi-rotors used in today's challenge. 
How many of these RC copters can you identify from this series of photos? 
Leave a comment! 

We want to thank Giacomo and for this episode of Flite Test!
Check out for more information!


trobi81 on September 11, 2012
My challenge is keeping the quad in the air ;-) nice video!
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Benkelm on September 11, 2012
That was pretty much fun! Would love to do that with 4*4 ;)
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tramsgar on September 11, 2012
I guess we have to check out upaper then, thanks to you losing, Josh.
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Pav on September 10, 2012
batman tri, quad, y6, mqx(quad)
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Multi-Rotor Tic-Tac-Toe - Challenge