September 2012 Director's Update

by FliteTest | September 19, 2012 | (0) Posted in News

In this Director's Update Chad shares some tips for posting to the Website.  He also shares a few authors on the site that are worth checking out!

Featured authors mentioned in this video:



Jake Wells


Join in on the fun, create an account and start sharing!
You could be featured on the next Director's Update!


Winging It R/C on September 20, 2012
You guys should do a review on the Twins Cargo Plane. It is an easy to build scratch build twin and can carry almost double it's wait. I think that you guys would really have fun with one.

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tramsgar on September 20, 2012
Thanks for the update! Agreed there are some really great 3:rd party articles here to read.

So what's up at core flitetest?
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House Of Noob on September 25, 2012
Always good to here from the boss.
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BigRed1 on September 24, 2012
right on you for doing such great jobs mates. i believe more 3d reviews and tutorials would be a success. hopefully the josh's can do a bit of flying in that respect.
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September 2012 Director's Update