Ultimate biplane music video

by Sojonen | October 12, 2012 | (9) Posted in Just Fun

Greetings from the cold Finland!

Another music video with the Ultimate Biplane. Much calmer day so had a lot of fun. Even got a little audience from the school nearby. ^^ 

I have made a little modifications to the plane: added some blue led's and changed the original servos to "Omg" servos that are a bit faster. The plane is much more sharper in turns now. 

Going to add some pics about the led's as soon as i get a better camera in my wobbly hands.

The songs are btw my own production called "Behind", "Gone till ready" and "Second sun rises".

Please let me know what you think about the video! 
Also if you liked my music take a look at my other 
                       work in youtube.


Sojonen on October 12, 2012
Uploading the video.. first was with crappy resolutions...

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Sojonen on October 12, 2012
Now working!

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FlyingSloth on October 12, 2012
Very nice! A little advice, try to render the video in widescreen format so that it fills the player screen :)
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Sojonen on October 14, 2012
Thanks for the advice. Gonna do that on next videos.
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Zatoichi on October 12, 2012
Nice flying Sojonen!
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Ultimate biplane music video