Viewer Response - Jan. 2013

by FliteTest | January 16, 2013 | (34) Posted in News

Josh and David take some time to response to some popular viewer questions. Below is a brief overview of some topics and questions they cover in this episode: 

Everyone is always curious how other pilots fly their planes, specifically whether they pinch the sticks on the radio or use thumbs.  Josh is a thumbs guy, while David pinches.  

They also talk a little about how they take care of their Lipo batteries and keep track of charge cycles. 

Josh and David also share some of their best crash stories!

Have you ever wondered about those little numbers on your motor?  Well, they mean something and David explains.

They also talk about their basic FPV setup and much more in this episode!

Thanks for all the comments and questions!  Stay tuned for more Q & A in the future. 

Check out the facebook page if you'd like to be more involved with Flite Test and the community:

Josh's crash story on RC Groups:


StoneBlueAirlines on January 16, 2013
Really good segment guys. Josh & David what go pro is the best for FPV right now still the 2? Thinking to pick up a three from Ragecams but would love your thoughts. Thanks guys.
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liveyourdreamsRC on January 24, 2013
I asked a guy who was using a gopro 3 with the new update about the problem. He said that he hadn't expierenced any problems with the updated version as long as you format you SD card. Formating the SD is erasing all the previous memory (you'll want to do this after you upload the information to your computer) to keep the software from being "bogged" down. Hope this helps!
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diyman on January 17, 2013
hey david of all that you do for josh and crew and rc in whole thank you so much i have learned so much from you. and i think your idea for the radio system is dead on keep it up you are a hero to the rc world.
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liveyourdreamsRC on January 16, 2013
Thanks guys this looks great! Do some more of this I like it.
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Cyberdactyl on January 16, 2013
Great Q&A guys. One of the better ones, mixing tech, personal experience and tips. I'm really enjoying David's visit here. You guys extrude the love of the hobby with every video.

One thing I'm curious about . . . you all bring up Facebook and Youtube quite a bit, but rarely mention THIS site.
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leadpipe58 on January 16, 2013
Thank you for explaining the numbers on the can.I under stand your explanation.well done.
My question is will more winding give more R.P.M?Does stator size equal more or less power? You see were I am going.If A 28/9/12 does X what would a 27/10/15 do.more power?
What does each number represent output wise.
Thank you
Keep up the great work.
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liveyourdreamsRC on January 16, 2013
Has anyone heard if GoPro is fixing the software problem? I was just about to buy a black edition and want to know if they are addressing the problem. Also FT, what is the DLG you'll be using? Looks really cool and I'd like to get into them as well.
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LanMark on January 16, 2013
I wonder if the pinch vs. thumb is also related to video gaming.. I thumb the sticks but I have also gotten used to that for console gaming and feels more natural.. I wonder if the people that pinch the sticks don't have the console gaming experience and less likely to thumb. Or maybe not at all related to gaming.
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MidwestRob on January 17, 2013
Starting out thumbs felt more natural to me for the same reason you mentioned, but I knew stick pinching would probably result in more precise flying. Even though it felt unnatural at first, I decided to learn how to fly using the pinch method and I haven't tried flying with thumbs since. IMO, stick pinching results in much smoother and precise flying. It doesn't take too long to get a good feel for it, especially with a simulator.
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lobstermash on January 17, 2013
I grew up with video games, and I can thumb if I need to, but pinching feels much more in control for me. Which is a good thing with all these silly modules for the 9x coming out with badly placed antennas.
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Adib Vahedi on January 26, 2013
That was a great video guys keep up the great work and keep on doing videos like this!!!! :)
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Viewer Response - Jan. 2013