by 81zapper | June 28, 2014 | (14) Posted in Projects



The Avro Canada CF-105 Arrow was a delta winged  interceptor designed and built by Avro Canada as the culmination of a design study that began in 1953. The Arrow is considered to have been an advanced technical and aerodynamic achievement for the Canadian aviation industry. The CF-105 (Mark 2) held the promise of near-Mach 2 speeds at altitudes of 50,000 feet (15,000 m) and was intended to serve as the Royal Canadian Air Force's primary interceptor in the 1960s and beyond.

Not long after the 1958 start of its flight test program, the development of the Arrow (including its Orenda Iroquois jet engines) was abruptly halted before the project review had taken place, sparking a long and bitter political debate  The controversy engendered by the cancellation and subsequent destruction of the aircraft in production remains a topic for debate among historians, political observers and industry pundits. "This action effectively put Avro out of business and its highly skilled engineering and production personnel scattered . Many went to either NASA to work on the Space Shuttle or to England  to work on the Concorde

Here is my attempt at designing and building the Avro Arrow. I'm still learning how to make plans so dont be too critical on the pdf file I made . The plans are pretty close but some tweaking may be necessary I made the wing and fusalage seperate and use bbq scewers to hold them together. This way I can get at the electronics easily and do not have trap doors .The decals are just printed on plane paper and glued on with a glue stick


First flight was short as another 50 foot tree jumped up and grabbed it. It did fly but using an old radio with no programming was a challange for a newbie . A few days later and after a wind storm I got it back..

Built version 4 and she flies real  nice. I increased the wing span and gave it a larger stab. I'm not using rudder control just elevon . 



 Parts all laid out ready for assembly

I made a slight change after flying  this one  I have removed the bottom piece shown attached to the wing and extended the fuse to incorporate it . It is all now one peice and the battery is much eaiser to get at.




Servo installation



Ready for some colour



Lets go flying 










9 grams servos

30 amp esc

9x6 prop

2200mah battery ( Battery is placed just behind the nose as far forward on the fusulage as possible )

2215-15 emax  size motor


Not too good of a video but shows how well she flies  when you can see it





BuckE67 on September 11, 2014
Good job! That has been a favorite plane of mine for a long time.
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ultramicrobe on September 9, 2014
Nice job. I love the classics, and as far as pointy nosed jets go, I think this is the classic!
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eball on September 11, 2014
My revised comment
Nice to see a fellow Canuck on flite test nice build super simple construction.
Very similar to rcprarieflyyrs arrow which is an excellent build with awsome instructions.
I prefer the engine mounted at the rear wonder how they would go as an edf

Great to see another arrow lets keep the canadian planes coming

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ganguy on November 7, 2018
Where can I find the plans
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Capt_Kitt on November 17, 2019
This is a fantastic build! I just watched the Arrow mini series from 1998, did you ever release the plans for this?
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Capt_Kitt on November 17, 2019
Ah ha! Found your plans another post.
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