Lost plane, multi-rotor? There's an app for that!

by maninvan | July 2, 2013 | (6) Posted in Tips

A month ago I released my new App FIND MY DRONE which is now available in the App Store. FIND MY DRONE is a FREE App that connects your iPhone to your personal UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) using the popular MAVLink protocol, as used on the APM2.5 autopilot, AR:Drone Flight Planner and other popular drones.

Find My DroneMap


If you were forced to land your drone some distance away, this convenient App will determine the latitude and longitude of the drones' location and its' distance from you. The inbuilt compass can then direct you to the drone, saving you a haphazard and time consuming search. 

In addition, the "Manual Mode" allows you to search for your drone even when using an alternative autopilot or Radio Control telemetry units. Just enter the last known coordinates from your drones’ telemetry and FIND MY DRONE will calculate the bearing and direct you to that location.

You can enter GPS latitude and Logitude values via the Settings App. 

Watch this space, FIND MY DRONE will soon be followed by MAVPilot, a ground control station for your pocket. We’re currently undertaking Beta trials for MAVPilot see http://www.communistech.com



Hasersys on July 7, 2013
WOW, if this works, I would pay for this app in a heart beat. I plan on using Apm2.5, when I get it set up I will def try it out. I look forward to this. I was originally looking into the same setup that David used in his space mission, but this would be a much better option. Thanks a lot for this. So if with the Apm2.5 all you need is to set it up and have a wifi connection, is it possible to just do it through 3g, or 4g?
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maninvan on July 7, 2013
Sorry you need a WiFi link. There's instructions on my website on how to create a 'bridge' from WiFi to 915MHz or 433MHz radio. Then you get much longer range. See http://www.communistech.com/blog/support
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Frosty0_0 on July 6, 2013
Will you make it for android also?! Don't plan on ever using apple due to the human right abuses over in china's apple factory.
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maninvan on July 6, 2013
In the future I may create an Android version, but my main focus in another app which is a full Ground Control Station for UAVs called MAVPilot see http://www.communistech.com/blog/mavpilot-alpha-and-beta-test/
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Mirabile Visu on July 7, 2013
Free app in Apple Store too. I don't use Apple unfortunately, as this app looks good.
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Hasersys on July 7, 2013
What is the typical range for the mavlink to work?
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maninvan on July 7, 2013
3DR say you can get up to a mile with 915MHz Radio, but you can increase this even with dipoles. The simplest is to raise the antenna off the ground, the higher the better. You could get up to 5km. But it also depends on weather and location conditions
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liveyourdreamsRC on July 6, 2013
Does it require wifi?
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maninvan on July 7, 2013
It doesn't require wifi, you can manually enter the lat/lon coords. If you do have an APM or other MAVLink comaptible drone, like ARDrone you can use wifi to automatically get the lat/lon

More info at http://www.communistech.com/blog/support
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liveyourdreamsRC on July 13, 2013
Cool, thanks!
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manny on July 7, 2013
If you make a android version or heaven forbid a windows ver i would be very interested.
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fileorgin on May 29, 2017
My new drone was lost and luckily i got this article and quickly downloaded the Find My Drone app from Tutuapp app market and I found it. Thanks a lot.
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Lost plane, multi-rotor? There's an app for that!