Bloody Wonder, new builds in progress and fleet

by jupakos79 | April 26, 2013 | (7) Posted in Just Fun

Well I have a few things going on in this article. Got a new plane built, another almost finished, and 2 more in the works.


Here is one of my bloody wonders that I built. I have a 30amp Hobbyking esc with a turnigy 2200kv motor.

I got lucky and my plane's balance without battery ended up right at the CG point. Wasn't to happy with the battery hanging out there and had it fly off on my maiden flight on my FT Flyer. Since this is a combat plane and will be whipped around quite a bit more, I decided to add a velcro strap around the CG point to help secure the battery so I don't launch this one off the plane.

I also added to skewers to the bottom of the plane to take a little bit of the brunt from landings to help protect the foam a little and to help balance the plane when I stood it up vertically because it tended to lean a little bit. i also added a skewer on each side near the stabilizers because when I stood it up I had a little flex in the tail section where the fuselage stopped and didnt want to stress that area.

I built a second bloody wonder for my son but he is not ready to fly it yet, he hasnt flown anything yet, still needs more Sim time (He's 3 1/2). I figured it was easier to cut the pieces and build 2 at once then do one at a time, not sure if it really was eaiser though.

Here is my progress on my second Baby Blender so far. Still trying to figure out a few things with it and the cockpit area will more than likely need to be changed to make it look right, kind of figuring it out as I go. A little bit of s low process but hopefully I will end up with a blender that looks different than anyone else has built yet.

I wanted to hide the motor to give it a cleaner look so I added posterboard to the front of the plane and I plan on adding a nose cone and a 3 blade prop. Not sure which one so I anyone has any suggestions I am open to them. I also lowered the turtle deck to give the top of the plane a lower look to go with the cockpit I want to put on.

I went with a single seat design, more of the Pitts style instead of the double open cockpit. I also wanted to hide the servos underneath the cockpit so they werent seen. Still have a few bugs to work out so that everything fits, looks and works right.

I rounded the tail sections a little bit and wanted to change the way the look of the rear turtledeck blends into the tailsection.

Here is a preview of my newest built that I am working on. I plan on making it a swapple and setting up the controls similar to the FT Delta. I plan on running the push rods a little different due to the shape of the control surfaces and I want to hide the servos for looks. I know I ca build it to look good, hopefully it flys good too. i will be posting more on this plane and the baby blender as I get farther along with them.

Here is my fleet so far. just got into the R/C plane hobby and have more time to build than to fly lately. Only have a few flights so far on my FT Flyer, went ok but it was a little windy so it was rocky. Waiting on a day to go fly where the wind isnt crazy. My fleet so far consist of a Bixler 2, FT Flyer, FY Delta, FT Bloody wonder (1 blue and orange, 1 yellow, green, and black), Baby Blender almost, and.... Let me know what yall think of my fleet so far.


learn2fly on April 29, 2013
I have just gotten into this hobby and I love it!!! I am going to try and build a plane like the one that you started and want to make swappable! I would love to see how you build yours and then I am going to build one. Please post an article of that plane!! :)
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jupakos79 on April 30, 2013
i am assuming you are talking about the F117 that I am building. I still have a lot of parts to figure out still on that plane. I am planning on making it a swappable as well. I am building it around a 6x4 prop on a 2200kv motor and plan on running a 30amp esc and it should be able to run up to a 2200mah battery. I plan on documenting the build once I figure out all the parts. I've got most of it figured out for the most part, but that is on paper. Need to transfer that all over to foam board and see how it really fits together. Once I get everything cut out and mocked up i will take pictures of the build, how it flies on the other hand, I will find out. If it crashes I guarantee it will look good doing it.
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planemad man on April 29, 2013
im finding the same thing here in england this year the weather is horrible. that would be okay but i dont have any foam board!!!!!! real nice fleet!!!!!!!!!!!
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jerimiah85 on April 29, 2013
how does the wonder fly on the 2200kv with the sport prop? thanks
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jupakos79 on April 29, 2013
Plenty of power with the 2200kv. Not to fast with an 800mah. Strapping on a 1800mah 4 cell it really cooks. The prop wash on the elevator is pretty good on this plane so the expo doesnt need to be to high to get good response out of it. I plan on trying out a few other props to see what I like but the 6x4 seems light enough to not pull a lot of power so my flight times even with a 3 cell 800mah are pretty good.
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oneiwily on April 29, 2013
Nice job m8, I really like the way you handled the BB, with the high "single seat" , I think you should add a pilot there :-)

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Noobi1951 on April 29, 2013
They all look great!
Hope your flights with the BB go better than mine. Have had trouble getting the C.G. right. Getting closer, but after last flight(?), am trying to locate a new 9X6 three bladed prop. I am using a motor prop combo from Hobby Partz, and they apparently don't carry replacement props of this type (maybe other people don't crash ;) )
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jupakos79 on April 29, 2013
Also, the CG is easier to figure out if you start out a little nose heavy and adjust from there. Also in the build video Josh shows that checking for the CG with the plane upside down makes it a little more accurate to find. From my other BB build I found my CG to be right around an inch behind the leading top edge of the wing supports, hopefully that helps out some.
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jupakos79 on April 30, 2013
Here is a good start for your 3 blade prop, this is the brand I found in my local hobby store and purchased 3 of them for my BB. Hope this helps you out. I bought different sizes to see how they look and perform, they seem to be of good quality.
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Noobi1951 on May 2, 2013
Thanks for all the great help. I went to the site for props, and ordered four of the 9x5x3 props ( for future mishaps ;). Looking forward to once again trying to get my Pitblender into the air.

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Noobi1951 on May 1, 2013
Thanks for the great input. will try that site, as well as the C.G. suggestions after I get another prop. If I can't find a three blade I may try a two bladed one.
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jupakos79 on April 29, 2013
You can try looking at other planes on the market that use three blade prop, that may help. I know the hobby store by where I live carries many different ones. I can look next time im in there to see whats on the market.

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cabal_se on May 24, 2013
This looks like my place :) Also have two Bloody Wonders, a third one in the making. And also a Baby Blender on the side. Looks real good, keep it up!
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jupakos79 on June 9, 2013
I saw a bloody wonder with rudders on it. Need to try that

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Bloody Wonder, new builds in progress and fleet