Building big wheels for Old Fogey

by Aronnax | January 11, 2014 | (0) Posted in Projects

For my Old Fogey I wanted big (or as David says: huuuge) wheels. I couldn't find some so I decided to try it myself.

I'm happy with the result, although I think the foam of the tires could be finer and less glossy.

Here's how the wheels looks like:

I like to build with wood so I decided to build the rims from wood. I used poplar plywood which is very lightweight. 

Cut out the outer and inner rim parts. As you see I used holesaws of two diameters.

Now use a bolt which fits in the holes of the rim parts and fasten one bigger outer rim part on the bolt. You might use one inner rim part so the bolt doesn't press marks into the wood.

Put it on a drill and use a rasp and sand paper to give it a 'rim' shape like the photo below.

As you see I used two nuts so the whole thing does not loose itself because of the rotation.

Cut a tire out of the foam. The inner smaller rim parts has to fit in the hole of the tire.

I cutted the edges of the inner hole of the foam so the rim fit better. The rims I made are a bit less wide as the tires, so the rim compresses the foam a bit.

Put the rim parts on a bolt and use some glue between the parts. Again I use additionally two parts on the outside to prevent press marks. Mount the foam tire on the half rim. Mount the other rim part and tighten the nut to press the rim together. Don't forget the glue which will hold the whole thing together.

Now mount the bolt on the drill. Let the wheel rotate a bit so you can see if the tire is wobbling and some correction is needed. It should be possible to push the foam a bit to correct the position of the tire. A little wobble is ok, that will be gone after the next step.

You can use a rasp and sand paper to give the tire it's shape. From time to time stop the drill and check the shape.

If you want a simple pattern on your tire you can use the edge of a rasp to make some lines in it.

The holes in the rims are normally too big so you need some kind of a shaft to reduce the hole. You can use a wood dowel and drill hole in it. I found some plastic with the right holes in it.

Finally my Old Fogey has big wheels and looks a bit like a bush plane.

Next time I make the wheels even bigger ;-)


good2us on January 16, 2014
Awesome job very ingenious! I have something similar except it's blue. I was going to make my own wheels to but ran into a "wall", until now. Thank you for posting your work, really great job.
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ttprigg on January 15, 2014
Great idea with an easy to follow "ho-to" explanation.
What is your source for the foam? I recognize it... Seems to be the soft stuff like pipe insulation but I can't recall seeing it in sheet form. Is it a "hardware" product?
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Aronnax on January 15, 2014
Thank you!
We have a foam store in town. The dealer said the foam is used in boxes/containers for protection. It's very lightweight and it's stiffer than other foam. When you press your thumb in it it takes some time to get it's original form back.

I think the foam of pipe insulation will work too. It's also a bit stiffer. The problem might be to get it in the right dimension.

A similar foam I bought in the foam shop is also for packaging and keeps things dry because it doesn't absorb water. So you might search for packaging foam. If you don't have a special foam store in your area I might ask in shops if they have such a foam of packaging leftovers.
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NoUsername on January 16, 2014
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bensgreentrain on January 16, 2014
Great idea. I need some big wheels for my cub project so I it's off to the supplier for me. Thanks for sharing.
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Redazrael on January 17, 2014
Just lovin' on the way that fogey looks with only wheels touching the ground! Definitely gives a "bush plane" vibe to the old fogey!! NICE WORK!!!
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fl_rider on January 15, 2014
Nice!! Thanks for the pictures.

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Building big wheels for Old Fogey