Camera craft build

by Kenny9999 | June 12, 2013 | (7) Posted in Projects









TaranEgner on June 19, 2013
What controller board are you using on the quadcopter
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Kenny9999 on June 19, 2013
Aeroquad baloo32
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apache64 on June 12, 2013
Advation, the model is a Y6 configuration and is famous for its heavy lifting abilities, and it's redundancy. So if you have a motor fail the the other motor on that arm will work harder, but you won't loose the craft. Simarly if you lost 3 motors as long as they are on different arms you still don't loose the craft. This is again similar to the octogen , if you loose one motor, or maybe two, it will still fly, provided they are not next to each other, I hope that helps?
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advation on June 12, 2013
Good info thanks! I'm just getting into the multirotor world so I appreciate the information. I just received everything for my first quad build today, ironically enough. Might just have to move to a octogen or the Y6 config for future builds.

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Kenny9999 on June 12, 2013
Apache have the good answer!

One of my first step with those prop, the one at the back was loose and I loose it, and the craft just get down, slowly, I was not that high, that said...

One thing I'll had, is, it's a stable configuration, and agile one, it's not as efficient as normal hex configuration, it will fly less long, but, it is as stable as the hex and more agile, to me!
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Adventure rc on June 17, 2013
wow, now I know someone who would be very interested:
if you haven't guessed already it's me. :)
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Furiou5 on June 15, 2013
Great video, very stable, didn't see jello once.
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advation on June 12, 2013
Interesting build! Why the mirrored power plants on each arm? Does that seem to help with stability/control or is it more for lift?
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jerimiah85 on June 12, 2013
I see lots of tri builds on here as of late. Are they better to start with? my quad frame from ebay is jacked up and I don't think its going to come so Im thinking I have All the electronics for that build maybe ill just make a tri. so from you do you think a tricopter is ok to start on? I have the kk2 with auto stable thanks
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Kenny9999 on June 12, 2013
tri is great and not that hard to build, the servo setting can be a bit tricky, with the kk2, it's quite easy... still if the first one, a quad will be easier to do!
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Brocknoviatch on June 12, 2013
Nice build and footage! I was wondering if you used the martinez v3 brushless gimbal board? What motors and props are you using? What is the little battery for, is it for the brushless gimbal? Great build, thanks for sharing the photos and videos!
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Kenny9999 on June 12, 2013
it's the RCTimer brushless gimbal and controller, base, with the last firmware, nothing more. motor are also some motors from rctimer, BC2836-9 880KV and 12" carbon fiber prop also from RCTimer. but be real careful, cause I get a complete batch of 10" not usable, they are just junk!!! the little battery is 12v for FPV setup and the gimbal! :)
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Camera craft build