Carbon Fiber Control Rod Install

by jdfilkins | January 19, 2016 | (7) Posted in Tips

This will show how to make the sometimes difficult task of installing carbon fiber control rods a little less frustrating.


While browsing the FT forums the other day I happened across somebody’s reluctance to face installing carbon fiber control rods with CA and heat shrink without any kind of adjustable stop.

I was reminded of this today while building an EPP 3D plane and facing the same situation myself.  I’ve only done it once before, and yes, it was a little bit of a PITA and frankly, I sympathized with the poster.

As I set up the third hand to put the Z-Bend the first end, not at all looking forward to holding it all still while applying CA and kicker, it struck me.  I didn't need the third hand I needed some extra heat shrink, two bits of heat shrink.

All of a sudden it was easy.  Both on and off the aircraft!  The following is both the tip and the full install showing how simple it really is.

The Problem

These are the parts that cause the problem.  Rod, Z-Bend, CA and a bit of heat shrink…

…and here is the part the makes it easy – 2 extra bits of smaller diameter heat shrink.

In short, use the two smaller bits to hold it together as you apply the CA and at your leisure, spread it evenly, position the main piece of shrink and apply heat.  I installed one end of the rod off-aircraft.  But it’s just as easy on the plane If that isn't possible.


Make sure your servos are centered. Use a clamp of some sort to keep the control surface centered. Have a butane lighter ready.  It's better if it's one of the long ones for your BBQ.  USE CAUTION!  Open flame and flammable foam and glue is a mix deserving your constant attention.

How to do it

Install the rod, and remember to put the three heat shrink bits on.

Insert the Z-Bend.

Trim the rod to fit and line it up the with the Z-Bend, then slip the two small diameter bit of heat shrink over both.  Dang, they stay together by themselves, and there is nothing to hold onto anymore!

Apply a little heat.

Then some CA.

Smooth it out to ensure even coverage.

Slide the larger piece of heat shrink over the whole thing.  I like to twist it as it goes on to spread the CA on the inside of the heat shrink.

Apply heat.  CAUTION: CA is flammable! This is not unusual that the ends light off, be aware, ready, and blow it out.  No big deal.

Looks good!

The result.

Thanks for reading.  If you think it’s useful, please rate it! 

Please Read my other Articles



jdfilkins on January 22, 2016
Thanks! It really helps. The first time you put the little bands on and see it just sit there in place you're a believer. ;)
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Flyingninja on January 22, 2016
Great article, man! I'll use these techniques on a plane I'm working in.
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nebulous on January 25, 2016
I spent $10-ish on Banggood to get a hobby heat gun. Doesn't get terribly hot, and works great on heatshrink. Enough to slightly crisp depron if held still up close, but not nearly hot enough to set anything on fire.
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jdfilkins on January 25, 2016
Heat gun is preferable to open flame, but mine melts both hot glue and foam very quickly. I would suggest a little testing if you haven't already done so. Better to be sure than to scorch your rudder. ;)
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nebulous on January 26, 2016
Agreed, although like I said, get the hobby one, not the pro one. It doesn't get that hot. Just hot enough to make hot glue tacky (a good use of it, too)

And you can always put some shiny-side-up aluminum foil underneath the rod, keeps the heat off the plane.
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HilldaFlyer on January 23, 2016
Great tip - David

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T-Richard on January 24, 2016
Good tip, I crashed my 3d on its maiden because my wire wouldn't stick to the cf rod. I'll try your trick. Thanks!
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WVYRD on January 31, 2016
Using this technique for a while already and never had any issues with it...
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jdfilkins on February 2, 2016
Wish I knew about it on my first build. I used CA and waited for cure, then the heat shrink. Arrgh.
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Carbon Fiber Control Rod Install