Cheap gimbal housing for easy mounting

by bluefishnz | December 22, 2013 | (0) Posted in Tips

After playing with a few more multirotors I found it limiting to have the camera gimbal hard mounted to one single multirotor. Since I only have one gimbal I decided to try and make a more modular way of housing the camera and gimbal to its easy to remove and use anywhere not just on a multirotor.

After some noodling I decided to mouting all in a clickclak food storage container.

I completely stripped down the gimbal from the old mount system I had used so that I could play with all the parts to make sure it would fit nicely.

After a mockup and checking that everything would fit the hardest part was to use a large hole saw to cut a 40mm hole in the container. I did this slowly and managed to keep all my fingers.


After that was done and a sharp craft knife and file was used to clean up the hole I test mounted the the brushless motor.

The motor was mounted to the lid of the container using the same simple l bracket I used on my other gimbal mount. Once the main motor was mounted I was just a matter of drilling some 10mm holes for wires to be threaded through. 

Once that was done it was a simple matter of just re-wiring the gimbal and the controller board which is velcroed in to the rear of the container.

The top plate shown below was a mounting plate so I could ziptie to the bottom on one of my quads. I now just sit it on top with some foam underneath and use a custom made silicon band to hold it in place.



Heres a quick video of it working

Here is the whole setup attached to the quadcopter.

 I can easily remove and use free hand or put onto another multirotors that I have.

Heres a quick video of footage from a test flight. The Quad is running a APM that I have not tuned after a rebuild so the quad isnt very stable and its on a windy day. So any shake is from the quad not jello in the footage.



Jake Wells on January 16, 2014
very cool.
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bluefishnz on January 22, 2014
Thanks Jake, I appreciate that coming from you, as you have some very cool builds.
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Cheap gimbal housing for easy mounting