Chicken Powered Image Stabilization

by LokaDesign | October 8, 2013 | (21) Posted in Just Fun


Get rid of all your Gimbals, Anti-Vibration Pads etc etc and get yourself a chicken and mount her to your favourite plane, chopper, multirotor or whatever serves your needs for the best image stabilization ever!!! Back to nature! LOL ;)


andy_spoo on October 10, 2013
That's so funny. Made my hard day at work all better. Thanks a million!
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Johan on October 10, 2013
+1, that is what I was going to post, stress gone (for a few hours:))
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foamboardRCme on October 11, 2013
Its so perfect! Strap a camera to the chicken, chicken to a plane, and get some great FPV footage.
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Billbo911 on October 10, 2013
Funny, entertaining, thought provoking.
Well done!!
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TommyG on October 15, 2013
I'm trying this out on my Chickens tomorrow!
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TommyG on October 25, 2013
I've tried it and it does work. The problem is the chicken still looks at whatever it wants.
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LokaDesign on March 19, 2014
I found a solution for that, you plant a servo with a little stick and rope on his head and then you put some nice chickenfood on a hook and you can move the servo (food) and make him look wherever you want. havent tried it yet but in theory it should work!

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moofidelity on October 10, 2013
I hope this wasn't for real, poor thing... watch the original video from smarter everyday (which he credits above):
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rockets4kids on October 10, 2013
This adds a completely new dimension to the Fowl Flyer FPV!

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RCNewb on October 10, 2013
Love that commercial.
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t.tsiplakis on October 10, 2013
NO MORE PROP BALANCING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Capt Buscemi on October 11, 2013
Hilarious! It's not as silly as it seems, though. Part of the reason GoPro shots work so well on helmet cams is that our heads do exactly the same thing. They are usually far more stable than even the best gimbals.
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tramsgar on October 13, 2013
At least our eyes: Stand in front of a mirror, look yourself constantly in the eyes and move your head around =).
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tramsgar on October 11, 2013
Neural networks can be great at control theory.

Birds have to bob their head while walking to not get blurry vision as most cannot move their eyeballs. Also why they must keep their head steady.
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Drezed on October 11, 2013
Funny thing is, there was a plan in WWII for using pigeons as a guidance system for "smart" bombs! .
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LokaDesign on October 10, 2013
Maybe an idea for the flitetest team to try it out!! ;)
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Gryf on October 10, 2013
Clever advert! Interesting to note, I've seen that behavior in birds perched on wires that are bobbing a bit... their heads will be rock steady.
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chaydock on October 15, 2013
That was hilarious! He can keep the chicken... I just want his mini-Replay XD helmet cam that streams HD!
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Chicken Powered Image Stabilization