CM Corsair Design

by CorsairMaster | October 9, 2013 | (0) Posted in Projects

I thought it would be kind of neat to build a scratch build Corsair. This is what I have so far. I'm not really sure how I can change it into pdf files yet but I thought it would be nice to see what everyone thought about it. I'm all ears for anything anybody thinks would improve the plane.

This is a picture from the front of it.

This is a picture from the top.

And finally a picture from the side.


Michael9865 on October 12, 2013
Nice, What type of airfoil are you going to use?
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CorsairMaster on October 14, 2013
It will be a flat wing.
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Hell2Go on October 17, 2013
I bet you could just modify the FT spitfire plans just enough to make a corsair out of it, once you have the wing folded and gluedmake a few angled cuts in the wings like you would do for dyhedral to get the look of the corsair. sand the edges on a big piece of sandpaper on a tabletop to make fairly tight seams and fill the rest with hot glue.
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CorsairMaster on October 17, 2013
Wow! Thanks for the very helpful advice! I was just looking at the plans for the spitfire and what I think ill do is take the spar that causes the wings to fold up just a little bit and flip those spars upside down. This will cause the downward motion; then I will score the top of the wing and bend those up. That would cause the seagull wing shape.
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LordVader on October 11, 2013
Wow, Very cool. I have built one, but don't know how to use sketchup very well. I do have pics over in the forum section, if you want to take a look. I am following JasonEricAnderson's sketchup tutorial, hopefully I will soon be able to put out some plans for anyone who wants them.
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CM Corsair Design