Corkscrew bomb drop challenge.

by xzacto | July 31, 2013 | (0) Posted in Challenges

OK, you guys got me jazzed about bomb dropping so I added a wonky servo/rubberband combo like your first bomb video (hilarious by the way)  I was bombing the 5 kids with those nerf dart things and they loved the handful of them all at once.  HOWEVER.  It wasn't too fun to just drop the whole payload and then land and reload.  

Here is my challenge and hopefully my thumbnail will help get my point across.  Who can drop the most (of the same payload such as nerf darts or rotten eggs if you will) in one flight.  I think my payload idea might work well using a hacked servo to run continuous drive and spin a small corkscrew, much like those machines you put your money into so you can buy a candybar...and they always get stuck... 

you would have to modify your bomb somehow to hold within the channel of the spring though.  like a monkey's fist.  


I'd love to try this on my wingo...yes my beat up wingo.  I just don't really have the money or time yet. 


I love the show, and love what you guys are doing here, God bless!

~Matt / xzacto 

cobleskill, NY


Bbjen on July 31, 2013
The only problem I see is that the cork screw length will put a lot of stress on the servo.
FYI, The continuous servo hack can be found here.
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rcspaceflight on July 31, 2013
I love this idea.

If you mounted a wire across from the end of the corkscrew, with this wire going inside of the corkscrew, it could help hold it up without being in the way of the bombs or blocking the end where they drop out from.
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earthsciteach on July 31, 2013
That is a great idea. I know you can make a servo spin continuously by adding a resistor. I don't know the specifics, though.

A rack and pinion setup could accomplish the same thing. Mount the rack so that is slides in a track and pushes the bombs off as it travels.
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Cyberdactyl on August 3, 2013
And if you don't want to hack a servo, you can purchase inexpensive 'full-rotation' servos.
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Corkscrew bomb drop challenge.