Custom artwork by my daughter

by Dodge | January 1, 2014 | (13) Posted in Just Fun

Ok, so as the title says, artwork by my daughter!

She loves my planes and watching them fly, and thought why not let her do some drawing on them =] 



And after a good few mins, here is what the outcome is like!
Nothing like real flames, or chrome finish, but its something unique, and something that makes me go 'aww' everytime I launch =]

Now to dig out the paints!

Anyone else out there done something similar with their little ones?

Would love to see a Krakken with ace drawings on it ;)


apnewton on February 2, 2014
Brilliant idea. Love it.
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Dodge on February 4, 2014
Cheers for the comments =]

And Bolvon72, that is some nice artwork!
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ROF_Matt48 on February 4, 2014
I cant figure out how to add the picture, but I have a 20" nutball decorated with a beach with palm trees, some large waves, the sun and sky and 2 whales jumping out of the water. All courtesy of my daughter and a pack of markers. Needless to say its one of my favorite planes.
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Dodge on February 5, 2014 will allow you to upload some pics =]
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Jflyer20 on February 3, 2014
pfffft the penis on the wing what a sense of humor!
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Dodge on February 4, 2014
Yeah, my partner kinda noticed that one too....might need some editing!
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Widkin on February 2, 2014
That is so sweet.
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Fatherfox on February 3, 2014
my daughter is 9 and we recently trashed my simplecopter and her black foamboard wing that she decorated with some of the monster high duct tape. she's versa style while mine (with peace symbol duct tape strips) has the 12" center. she's now building (as i get parts) a tricopter (pink plates, the arms are natural green poplar) while mine is a charlie brown great pumpkin thing (green plate and orange arms, green front props and simplecopter yaw block and orange rear prop. built it in october for holloween fun). i just burned up the motor bench testing her crash test hobby widowmaker. the widowmaker was going to have angry birds on it, but now she's decided to go for colored packing tape so she can be more "creative" and still save weight. for such a pretty pony princess kind of a girly girl, i'm sooo glad she likes to work with me on the birds and computers. now if i could only print and cut vinyl. her work through the wacom tablet on chicken sashimi kinda panels... =^-^=
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Bolvon72 on February 2, 2014
My daughters older, but they're never to old to put pen to plane.
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PaladinDG on February 1, 2014
Your right... awww! I bet it makes her more excited to see it fly! Josh Bixler is always talking about making memories... not something you would typically think of, but it works!! GOOD JOB!!
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rcrich on February 1, 2014
I let my daughter paint my planes as well.
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Hookdriver on February 4, 2014
I had to explain to mine that there is a whole rainbow of markers.....not just pink. so what I got was pink and purple. It is so much fun to have the kids involved. They think crashes are awesome because it means they get to color another airplane! One of mine had hello kitty packing tape on it. I got some sideways looks at the flying field until they saw my girls.
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TehMaxwell on February 2, 2014
Awesome Idea! :D
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Custom artwork by my daughter