Custom sound on the Taranis

by Phantom65 | September 26, 2013 | (0) Posted in How To

This is my first article please bare with me.

The video is a sample of what can be done with the FrSky Taranis.

All of these sounds in the video are triggered by setting up custom functions.  I have attached a copy of the settings file for Taranis.

Be sure to back up your SD card prior to making changes.  It doesn't take but a minute and will save you a lot of trouble if something goes wrong.

First I created custom switches to use on the mixes screen for the 6 different outputs on channel 5. I used the 2 position SF, and 3 position SE toggle switches. You may need to adjust the offsets in the mixes screen but these settings worked for me. These settings can be done on the Radio or by using Companion9X.

Companion9x images...

I then used the custom switches in the Functions screen to play a track based on what custom switch is active. The text box on each line is the name of the wav file to play. This must match the actual name of the file on the SD card.

Here are the tools I used:

Companion9X (this is where images above were taken)
A text to speech generator like

Sound files from
Audacity for making the wave files

I won't go into sound editing and custom functions, but you can learn a lot from Scott Page's videos here:

Be sure to save your custom sounds in the proper format and in the right location - in the language folder specific to your radio - in my case, 32KHz, Mono, PCM wav files to removable disk H:\SOUNDS\en
H: is the Taranis SD card on my system.

If you would like a custom startup sound, create your sound file and save it as tada.wav over the existing file in the systems folder on your sd card. On mine that's H:\SOUNDS\en\System.

Here is a zipped copy of the "eeprom file" Taranis eeprom file and sounds


Rubnorris on September 26, 2013
LOL!!! Awesome job!
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jaBdr on September 26, 2013
That certainly beats "welcome to taranis" when turning it on!
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Custom sound on the Taranis