Dead Simple Anti-Vibration Mount for Mobius/GoPro

by mitchellcook5 | April 27, 2014 | (14) Posted in Projects

This is for anyone who can cut plastic and drill some holes, or with a 3d printer.

Cut or Print out 2 plates and use the flexible foam earplugs from any hardware store. Position the plates about 0.5" apart and use medium CA to secure all top and bottom holes to the earplugs. All that is left is to put some Velcro on the top plate to hold the camera on and some Velcro on the bottom of the bottom plate to hold it to the air frame and you are set! Just with balancing the props on my tricopter combined with this mount, I get rock solid completely jello free footage with my mobius wide version.

Model Dimensions: (1.75"x 3"x 0.1") Hole Ø 0.375 drill size or ~0.075 - 0.1" smaller than the diameter of the earplug

Thingiverse Link:

That's it!  Have Fun Flying Jello Free!


Entropy3XD on May 26, 2014
Had a jello issue with my Mobius on my DRQ-250 and was thinking about a fix the other day. Came across your article that night. Such a simple solution. I don't have a 3D printer (seriously, where are all you people getting your printers, I want one), so I used two Flitetest firewalls. Works perfectly. Thank you for sharing.
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mitchellcook5 on May 26, 2014
I picked up my printer on eBay (dual extrusion printer) for $800 at my door. Honestly worth every penny!
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Hugh_AH on June 15, 2014
I wish Sorbothane were lighter.
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triplettjon on June 9, 2014
credit cards and paint stir sticks work pretty good as well for platforms
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HilldaFlyer on May 23, 2014
Clever! Awesome look too.
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MaxPower on May 23, 2014
Great idea, I used this method to mount a flight controller.
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apnewton on May 28, 2014
Clever and simple. Great idea.
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apnewton on May 28, 2014
Gift cards and hole punch is how I'll do it.
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notsane on May 29, 2014
Very nice design. I'd seen something like this before but hadn't built one. I built your version with a couple of old credit cards. It really works well for my Mobius!
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hursto75 on May 24, 2014
Great idea. You could make this out of any plastic or wood. Small and light. Did you 3d Print it?

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mitchellcook5 on May 24, 2014
Yep you certainly could. And yes I did 3D print them.
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DanE80 on May 28, 2014
It looks like you solved the jello effect, but it is difficult to see due to the instability of the copter. Are you using a gyro with your flight controller?
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mitchellcook5 on May 28, 2014
Ya, i use the kk2.1.5, I love it, it works great. the reason it was so jumpy and pixelated is youtube's rendering, i noticed it right after i uploaded it and the one i rendered on my computer looks fine, although it was an extremely windy day about 35 mph haha, not a good day to show the effectiveness of it. Without wind it is extremely stable.
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DanE80 on May 29, 2014
You are braver than me at 35 mph winds. :)
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Dead Simple Anti-Vibration Mount for Mobius/GoPro