Delta 737 Simulator

by FliteTest | July 1, 2015 | (8) Posted in Reviews

Here's a full list of Airplane Museums from around the United States! CLICK HERE

The Delta Flight Museum located in Atlanta, Georgia. (Delta Air Transport Heritage Museum)

This Douglas C-3 Ship 41 has been completely restored down to the original era magazines inside.

The museum has some really cool pieces of history like this vintage LINK trainer flying simulator.  

Peter loves Airliners, so much so that he's built quite a few RC Airliners himself. You can check out some of his airplanes featured in this episode in the above video.

Peter was thrilled to get a the chance to fly in a modern 737 Delta Simulator while visiting the museum. 

He was surprised to find how much of the operation is done by pressing buttons.

Airplane Museums all of the United States offer unique experiences, we highly recommend visiting one in your area the next time you have a chance. 

Here's a full list of Airplane Museums from around the United States! CLICK HERE


Seajones on July 2, 2015
A Wright Pat meetup would be awesome. (oh, and great video too)
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spetnazer on July 2, 2015
Maybe Flitetest will make this type of aircraft or other models some day..I'm very hopeful it...
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spastickitten on July 3, 2015
Come down to Florida! We got tons of air museums!
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ChopperChopper on July 11, 2015
Guys- PLEASE can you fix the link to "SEE THIS VIDEO" top left of screen at 0:17. The link just takes me back to the same page I started from. I missed the video originally and still can't find a link to the video of the Jet model and would love to see it. Quite interested in the scale passenger model, and Peter's impressions (of course).
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Delta 737 Simulator