DIY GoPro Frame

by crlock | May 11, 2013 | (10) Posted in How To

Hi guys, this is my first post here, and i hope not the last. where I live, there is little to no suppor for the GoPro, regarding mounts and stuff like that, the solution is go online and buy them, but that can take from a couple of weeks, to a month and a half... so, no way i'm waiting a month and a half to mount my Gopro on my Tricopter.

The Frame is a prety neat mount for the gopro, light, and small enough for my Tri.


I had a little of Instamorph from a previous project laying around, so i decided to make a frame myself.

After a few minutes of heting and rolling, i got this thin strip of plastic

and some more heating and bending later (and some drilling and cutting)

I came up with this neat frame for my gopro :)

it fits really tight around the Gorpo Hero 

Can be mounted in the quick release mounts for the gopro, and attached to any surface using the sticking mounts :)

Hope you guys find it usefull, I Know i did 

Cheers ;)


apache64 on May 13, 2013
The mother of all inventions, well done.
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planemad man on May 13, 2013
thats awseome
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thejosh108 on May 17, 2013
So good!, I was wanting to 3d print these! guess that isn't needed.
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RCbacon on May 13, 2013
Thats just 200% awesomenes!
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DIY GoPro Frame