Dollar Tree foam Hovercraft

by racer7c | March 27, 2014 | (14) Posted in Just Fun

Well the weather here in Illininois has pretty much kept us grounded with our planes... So with all the gear we had laying around Bill thought a hovercraft was in order.  Its made with regular dollar tree foam, a raincoat for the skirt, a 70g motor for the the lift and blue wonder for the directional thrust.This is version 1 learning from it version 2 is almost done. I can up some build instructions and plans if anyone is interested.


scottie on April 7, 2014
hovercrafts are great fun,i've scratch built a few in my time.
Nice job :)
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jimmykobler21 on April 7, 2014
well, thats one way to blow leaves. where in illinois are you?

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mesamike on April 7, 2014
Love it ! Plans please !
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LordVader on April 7, 2014
Wow, never thought of anything like this. Looks really fun, would love more info or plans and maybe a build vid. this is just COOL.
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frogs84ss on April 7, 2014
awesome would love to see how its built and what you've learned from the v1. where you at in Illinois?
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racer7c on April 8, 2014
Thanks! I'm in central il about an hour south of Champaign in Chaleston. As far as plans I'll see about drawing something up in sketchup
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llharper on April 7, 2014
Plans, yes please !
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BirdMan9876 on April 9, 2014
I cant wait for plans! it looks great too, just like a real hovercraft.
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Dollar Tree foam Hovercraft