DRAGONFLY 2300kv Motors for Mini's

by Zatoichi | August 6, 2014 | (7) Posted in Reviews

I received these motors gratis for testing from Jason at FPV Model.Thank you.

Bottom Line- These are light and fast,punchy little motors. They give me similar flight times as my 2300kv Cobra motors and weigh less.If they hold up to some abuse and keep the price down,I will likely be investing in more of these.

These motors have a high KV rating(2300) and weigh only 20 grams or so depending upon wire length

My motors came pretty well balanced. I am also pleased to see that the windings are better than other 2300kv motors that I have used.
Really like the soft motor wires. I have had lesser motors give me trouble with stiff copper motor wires work hardening. Not likely to happen with these Dragonfly motors.

I too,would like to see a 5 mm prop adapter option. Not a deal breaker,but it would be convenient.Nice to see that these look interchangeable with T motor adapters.;)

My Minion mini quad has arms drilled for slightly larger mounting hardware so I ended up using some washers I had lying around and plenty of locktight.

It would be nice to see 4 pan head screws in the bag as well. (Picky,I know.)[IMG]

I found a bit of a fudge on the shaft grub screw hole.(ended up more of a C shaped hole)[IMG]
This was not an issue on all of these motors. I only found this on one of them, but the machining on two of the bells had flashing on them where cuts were made. Not huge deal,just looks like the cutting tools and drill bits could use changing/sharpening a little more often.

Lube your bearings. Good habit to have.

Please note that these only have a 2mm shaft -- versus the 3mm of many other motors.

How well the bearings will hold up, we will have to see. Lets hope these motors are able to take light crashes before bearings and shafts give out, so far so good.

The props are Gemfan 5030s

B-12A Ice Blue series SimonK-(RapidESC)

M200 Minion Carbon Fiber Mini H Quad

SKY V2 Camera and a 2.1mm lens.

TS832 600mw 5.8ghz Vtx

NAZE acro FC


All up weight is 455 grams. =D
This is a few grams more than what my AUW was whilst I was using ZMR 2300kv motors,with a LOT more power!


Zatoichi on August 10, 2014
If you are talking about the micro Radian,I think this motor is not quite what you are looking for. It may be a bit large and you would have to shoehorn it in. This motor does not come with a motor mount. You would have to find proper length screws to fix it to a firewall. you would want to make sure that they do not rub the windings, as that may cause a short.

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pekote on August 11, 2014
1star for horse disturbance
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Zatoichi on August 11, 2014
Thank you for voting your conscience. Spend much time around horses,do ya?lol
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pekote on August 11, 2014
in fact the article is great tech part and video demonstration also but I hate to see unnecessary stuff like that.
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Zatoichi on August 11, 2014
We know these horses well. They were not being chased,but followed. They get excited when they see/hear us for they know we carry treats for them.Let us not forget that horses are built to run. They will take any excuse to do so. There is no harassment happening here friend.
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dholcomb on August 9, 2014
How does the motor mount? Through the firewall (fixed wing) and into the motor? I am planning to build a very small motor glider similar to the Efite Radian and wondered if this motor would be good for that application.?.
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dholcomb on August 10, 2014
Thanks. I'll keep up the search.
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DRAGONFLY 2300kv Motors for Mini's