Drone that you already have in your pocket

by exanko | July 4, 2013 | (8) Posted in Projects

I made tutorial for drone contest on Instructables. I want to show possibility of use Android phone as control board and heart for multicopters. Modern phone offers accelerometer, gyroscope, GPS module, powerfull CPU etc.. we can say everything that you need for autonomous drone. I do not want to duplicate the article on Instructables, so i attached a few images here. If you would like my tutorial I will be happy for your votes (top right corner). If I will be successful, I will continue with this project here on flitetest.

Tutorial link: http://www.instructables.com/id/Autonomous-drone-that-you-already-have-in-your-poc

Please vote: http://www.instructables.com/id/Autonomous-drone-that-you-already-have-in-your-poc



AdamS on July 8, 2013
That's AMAZING!!! I need to see more in the future!!!
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ecoster on July 8, 2013
is this a work in progress or do you have it working properly? it's a great project
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exanko on July 12, 2013
I still do not implement PID algorithm, i need more free time.
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Hasi on July 8, 2013
Won't the latency be too much?
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exanko on July 12, 2013
I made some other projects with IOIO in future, and latency was not a problem.
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Drone that you already have in your pocket