by Trauma50 | September 24, 2013 | (4) Posted in Projects

First off you guy's are the greatest thing to happen to the hobby in recent memory. I have been building and fly plaines for some time. Got away from the hobby for a few years, till I saw my first multicopter. Then there was no turning back. FPV, OSD, KK2, Hex, Tri, Quads. Now this wing. I have built 3 of them now, pusher, tractor, now EDF. Started on the FT spitfire last night.


Had a EDF unit laying around. Built a foam board shroud/tube to fit around it. Built a wing then carefully cut the wings center section to fit the tube. Neutral thrust line. Fly's OK, wants to climb with full throttle. It may be the shape of the back of the tube?? As with most EDF units it needs full throttle for launch, then you can go to half for flying. But the sound is very cool. The EDF unit could use a more powerful motor, but I just wanted to see if it would work, and it did.


Jugar on October 17, 2013
Cool !. Is there a video flying ?
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helidog12 on October 21, 2013
Nice wing, check out my "Versa Jet" article. I have 4 hours flight time and a GOPRO flight video. I am flying a old EDF taken from the Hobby-Lobby Alpha jet (stock motor and edf), and am getting 12-15 min flights in 1300-1500mah batteries. I love it and have made some enhancements to the wing to increase its durability.

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Trauma50 on October 22, 2013
Thanks Helidog I saw your article, nice job. Wish I could have got some video of mine. I have since converted mine to a tractor setup, with a Turnigy D3536/8 1000KV, using 3300mAh battery. Much faster now. My EDF wing was a proof of concept attempt. And it worked as your does. I want to build a fully enclosed FT Versa EDF, Need a bigger EDF unit, or at least a more powerful motor set up.
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Trauma50 on October 17, 2013
Thanks, I flew it a few times, after nosing it in using half throttle. I did not get any video of it flying, the sound of the EDF unit at full throttle in a low pass sounded really cool. The middle fully incased in the wing was what I had in mind when I started, But shaping it around the wing half's seemed a bit difficult. So I went with the top mounting. With a more powerful EDF unit, I think would help, with the longer tube and resulting air friction, would work well with a middle of the wing configuration. EDF units just waste so much energy = battery power for the same performance of a smaller motor and prop combo. Thanks for your comments and ideas. Joe
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Driveandairsmash on October 17, 2013
It may have to do with the edf unit being on the top maybe? I am thinking it would probably go better in the middle but I am not shure?

Hope this helps,
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alibopo on October 17, 2013
Hi, this looks great. Regarding the thrust issue, you're right - your useful fast-moving air that's going to get the plane moving is being allowed to waste some of its energy pushing the plane sideways. I think the kind of shaped curving exits you see on real planes have little to do with the direction of the jet gasses - that's already been handled by shaped components within the motor housing that have concentrated and directed the gas flow prior to it exiting the motor. It would take a particularly well designed housing to achieve the kind of flow you see in those laminar-flow water fountains where all the water goes where you want it to. As much as you want the air to go in the direction the motor is pointing - once it leaves the confines of the duct you've added it'll start to expand and spread in whatever direction you allow it to. For maximum thrust, I'd terminate the tube at exactly the same angle as the EDF is terminated - square to the airflow.
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