Epic Quadcopter Dives in Hell's Valley (Höllental)

by RCSchim | July 3, 2013 | (15) Posted in Just Fun

Hi Guys, just wanted to share my multicopter madness here. Hope you like it, 
Greetings from the Austrian Alps,


Zatoichi on July 3, 2013
Good to see you.This is awesome! Thank you for posting this here.=)
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RCSchim on July 3, 2013
Thanks. This looks like a nice community of like minded here!
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CJGFX on July 4, 2013
Amazing countryside and amazing flying.... It must have been a real experience viewing it through the goggle....
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Pete7694 on July 3, 2013
That was absolutely amazing. I loved the scenery and the music was a perfect fit for the video.
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notsane on July 3, 2013
Awesome! I love the wingsuiting perspective!
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vcdrawdy on July 24, 2013
Great video. Thanks for sharing.
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Epic Quadcopter Dives in Hell's Valley (Hölle...