by FliteTest | July 7, 2014 | (38) Posted in News

Links to the sites you should submit to:



Please be thoughtful, respectful, and well researched when commenting on these forms.

"United States should be a leader, not a laggard, in adopting [drone] technology." -Washington Post Editorial 

“AMA cannot support this rule.” said AMA Executive Director Dave Mathewson. “It is at best ill-conceived and at worst intentionally punitive and retaliatory. The Academy strongly requests the FAA reconsider this action. The AMA will pursue all available recourse to dissuade enactment of this rule.”

It is possible to have completely safe and incredibly useful FPV technology as a hobby and a service. 

What is happening?
Why is the FAA disturbing the way the hobby is regulated when it has worked fairly well at no cost to them until now? Technology has changed the radio control hobby to the point that the FAA feels that the AMA is no longer sufficient to enforce the safety of FPV flight. However their stated reason is safety. 
"Such devices would limit the operator’s field of view thereby reducing his or her ability to see-and-avoid other aircraft in the area"
How many incidents have their been involving an FPV operator and full scale aircraft?
Changes by the FPV don't address the real problem, which is safety. Someone not using FPV but flying an out of the box multi rotor over a crowd of people or into a building in a major city are the real problem. 
Why should this matter to you? 
-Other countries will follow
-Other classes of model flying will follow
-Enforcement will be mostly YouTube driven we would guess. Your average FPV flier is perfectly safe, rural, and doesn't publish flights online so this won't be the target. People who do publish FPV flights online will be prime for enforcement. 

What can you do about it?
We are not opposed to having some rules and guidelines, we just want ones that make sense for the hobby. We believe in win-wins not lose-lose regulations. 
They are going to be instrumental in dealing with the FAA on this matter. They are worth your support for that reason alone. Click here to get 50% off a membership. 

-> Submit a thoughtful, respectful, well researched and well reasoned comment to the FAA through regulations.gov and the FAA Facebook page
· Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to Regulations.gov and follow the online instructions for sending your comments electronically.

· Mail: Send comments to Docket Operations, M-30; U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Room W12-140, West Building Ground Floor, Washington, DC 20590-0001 
· Hand Delivery or Courier: Bring comments to Docket Operations in Room W12-140 of the West Building Ground Floor at 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 
· Fax: Fax comments to Docket Operations at 202-493-2251.

-> Sign a popular petition 

Links to the sites you should submit to:


AMA Response:

The AMA believes the Interpretive Rule as a whole is in essence a backdoor approach to enacting new regulatory requirements without complying with the congressionally mandated Administrative Procedures Act. 

It is an abuse of the provision for Interpretive Rule under 5 U.S. Code § 553, and is contrary to Public Law 112-95, Sec. 336 which states, “the Federal Aviation Administration may not promulgate any rule or regulation regarding a model aircraft or an aircraft being developed as a model aircraft, if… the aircraft is operated in accordance with a community-based set of safety guidelines and within the programming of a nationwide community-based organization.” 

The Interpretive Rule specifically addresses model aircraft operated within the safety programming of a nationwide community-based organization, AMA, and it effectively establishes new rules to which model aircraft were not previously subjected, i.e. model aircraft must meet the regulatory requirements for operating in particular classes of airspace.

More specifically:
1 – Throughout the rule the FAA takes great latitude in determining Congress’ intentions and in placing tightly worded restrictions through its “plain-language” interpretation of the text. 

For instance, the definition of model aircraft in the Public Law requires that a model aircraft be flown within visual line of sight of the person operating the aircraft. From a safety perspective this would mean that the model aircraft must remain in sight so that the operator can maintain situational awareness, control the aircraft and see and avoid other aircraft and obstacles. There appears to be no ambiguity in the language provided by Congress, and no need for interpretation.

 am on the side of convincing the FAA to not pass any draconian regulations affecting FPV be it for hobby or commercial purposes, I am also convinced the only way to get there is by making our voices heard and to be heard we need to follow the proper procedures.

Now you can raise all the Jolly Rogers you want and sign petitions all day long, but all that is going to result in is being ignored by the FAA, wasting your time and the time of others who may decide to follow you down that path.

For what it is worth this is the correct procedure to submit comments, from the agency that oversees the FAA, note nowhere in the proper procedure is mentioned the raising of pirate flags and signing petitions.


CAUTIO75 on July 8, 2014
I'm almost blind in my right eye and i thought my flying days were over do to lack of depth perception. but now that i can fly using FPV i'm back enjoying the hobby i love and able to share it with my friends and family. please punish the people that are make foolish decisions by flying in very populated areas and near land marks don't take it away from law abiding people like myself. thank you
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dirething on July 8, 2014
With the seeming expansion of the definitions of what is commercial and therefore not hobby I would think that the FPV aspect would be a secondary concern to folks like Flitetest. Am I misreading something here?
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Todd on July 9, 2014
What are aircraft doing that low? Well for one we fly helicopters on low altitude training routes. In Kosovo in 2005 I was in a Blackhawk and nearly hit a German Luna going north as we were going south. UAS are very hard to see. Now I don't buy all the malarkey about see and avoid for the UAV because I have spent a lot of time flying low altitude over Ohio and missed plenty of planes eventually pointed out to me by ATC with flight following. It's just as easy to miss aircraft in full scale with great peripheral vision as it is flying with a 40 degree field of view. Keep in mind that we fly helicopters all over using 40 degree FOV NVG systems but we fly dual pilot and have crew members scanning. I think FPV should require a test and a license. The legal FPV operator should be able to describe the national airspace system and what a MOA is and how to tell if one is active. Most of Southern Ohio is in a MOA and I have passed F-16s flying below 1000 feet moving very fast. I think an FPV aircraft being flown BVR should be allowed provided that the operators file a flight plan and allow a NOTAM to be posted for such operations. I think FPV flying in visual range should be allowed with a spotter. I think any FPV rig should be equipped with a radar target and strobes so that it has better visibility if flown BVR. Eventually it would be great if someone could build a small ADS-B or FLARM type system so that FPV planes could emit a distinct signature to alert other traffic and alert the FPV pilot of other traffic. When commenting make specific technical suggestions that solve the concerns. That strengthens the argument. I also think that those of us in Ohio should petition the state house for FPV exemptions. We live in a state for a reason, they can exercise sovereignty, and as an aviation state we can make a strong argument that FPV flying is pushing technology and good for the state. The educational value of FPV flying is no less than that of experimental aircraft. I'd lobby the EAA as well on this. Just my two cents worth. See you at flitefest.
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Todd on July 9, 2014
One other thing. If you want to fly BVR you need dual systems. Redundancy. A single system that fails and causes a crash won't cut it. Dual systems that allow for control and recovery with LOS are a must. Again in via range it should be allowed to fly single system with a spotter below 400 feet but there might be an argument for notifying the FAA about such flights so a NOTAM can be filed. Especially closer to urban areas where a lot of helicopters work at low altitude.
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gecf343b1 on July 10, 2014
I think there should be an FPV exemption for recreational model aircraft FPV. A clear set of common sense rules. One size does not fit all though for example low level proximity flight with a 500 gram quadcopter (like Flitetest flew in the trees at SEFF). If you are in a remote un-populated area in class G airspace flying a 500 gram model low level proximity with FPV goggles poses no risk to people, property, or the NAS and I don't think a spotter is necessary (can't see through trees).

If your flying something bigger then a clear set of common sense low and close rules should apply: Stay below 400 AGL, stay within visual line of sight (defined as a distance), and a spotter to aid in the safety of the operation. Only fly in Class G airspace away from airports, people and property.

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flight monkey on July 7, 2014
Thanks for the awareness to these new regulations FT. As for FPV, I did see some kind of regulation struggle coming. I did not expect them to overstep their boundaries and try to enforce regulations on a simple and non threatening hobby. By which, is line of sight model aircraft flight. This is very upsetting to me because I got into the hobby to keep me from drinking. Thanks to you Flite Test and this wonderful hobby, I am a better person and Citizen. Now they want to take our smaller Freedoms away !!! USA lost its way ! We shouldn't have to Beg, like little children to get our favorite pastime back. It is outrageous, We are grown men that pay our taxes. We were promised Freedom by our Forefathers, as a born Right, the Constitution is not a Lease agreement.It saddens me that The basic freedoms are slowly but surely being taken away.
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Quake1983 on July 8, 2014
Here is what I emailed them.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

FPV makes me happy.

When my happiness does NOTHING to affect public safety or the rights of others then all things are open to me.

I will safely FPV with or without your consent. Men who have committed no immoral sin but are still arrested and persecuted usually become the revolutionaries of tomorrow.

To secure your position of authority above the people govern lightly lest you incite entire groups of people to unite against you and remove you peacefully from power through our electoral system.

Remove the ban on FPV.
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Oyst3rs on July 8, 2014
Just a thought
The FAA decision tho ban FPV could be approached differently instead of banning it, taking advantage of the benefits it brings and help make FPV safer.

Piloting Drone's, UAV's or RPA's should still follow rules but maybe different classes should be made.

-Pre-programmed flights
-GA Pilot license requirements
—Radio Calls made
—Flight Plans filed
—Tracking and Avoidance systems used
-Size/Weight greater than 6.5ft wide and/or greater than 100lbs
-Identification markings on aircraft (owner details)
-FPV - can be used with the above requirements fulfilled

UAV’s (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)
-Commercial flying
-LSA Pilot License
-Flight Plan maybe required
-No flying
—Within 100ft of
—Over Populated areas
—In controlled air space without prior approval from the FAA
-Size/Weight less than 6.5ft wide and/or less than 100lbs
-Identification markings on aircraft (owner details)
-FPV - can be used with the above requirements fulfilled

RPA’s (Remote Piloted Aircraft)
-Hobby Flying (No money or economic gain, exceptions made by application to FAA or AMA or EAA)
-No flying
—Within 100ft of
—Over Populated areas
—Within 3nm of aerodrome/airfield/airport/helicopter landing site
—Above 400ft
—At Night
—Without a spotter that has unaided visual-line-of-sight (Not using a camera)
-Size/Weight less than 6.5ft wide and/or less than 55lbs
-FPV - can be used with the above requirements fulfilled
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Samuel Rowan on July 8, 2014
While I don't 100% agree with all that you suggested it is FAR better than what the FAA has done.

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stache on July 11, 2014
Hi guys, Like many of you I've left comments, signed the petition at change.org and joined the AMA. I just thought of one more action we could take to spread the word. The AMA has a club search option on their site located here: http://www.modelaircraft.org/clubsearch.aspx . Maybe we could form a letter or provide a link to the Flite Test action page to those clubs in our area. In the search there's a contact person email for each club. Just an idea, but that might help get to those people who may not be aware of these new impending regulations.
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babauer on July 13, 2014
Reuters: FAA Intimidates Coldwell Banker And Other Realtors Into Shunning Drone Photography


This agency is using intimidation to the do the job that its' regulatory authority cannot.

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grweldon on August 3, 2014
Wow... not sure what to think of the last poster. You know what they say, fine line between genius and insanity... anyway...

I've been down this road with the FAA before regarding ultralights. After using the "correct" procedure to gather responses to the proposed new rule making for governing ultralight aircraft and their pilots, the FAA did whatever they wanted. This was ten years or so and the FAA implemented what is now known as another catagory of private pilots license called "sport pilot" After the public comment period about the proposed rule change, the FAA published their findings and in writing disagreed with all comments from the public that did not support what the FAA had already formulated and was going to implement. The public comment period was a sham. The United States Ultralight Association among others was the regulating community for Ultralights. Hopefully the AMA has more political pull but I highly doubt it. I hate to be Mr. negative but in the end, the FAA is going to do whatever it wants. Such is the government we now live under. Wasn't like this 40 years ago. Course we didn't have public RPVs then either!
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Ghostwarrior1999 on July 7, 2014
I just don't understand. why do they feel the need to take yet another thing away from the great place of america. i am just a teen and i guess if i cant fly my planes then i should just start breaking into houses. i do this not only because it keeps me out of trouble but it is my true passion and i have a deep love and respect for all aviation. america is supposto be the land of the free but if they are keeping us away from something that is causing absolutely no harm whats so ever. just don't understand.
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GliderPilotSam on July 9, 2014
I could not agree more with what you are saying. I would also like to add, How many accidents have been caused due to a RC flying object? And would what the FAA is setting out to do really have a big effect? Also if in the worst case when a RC flying object does hit into a Full scale flying planes. Why are they flying so low? As I Solo Glider Pilot you wouldn't want to be flying any lower that 1000ft unless on a circuit when you shouldn't be flying a RC plane anyway if there's a airport near by. I feel that what the FAA is trying to do is utter crap and would not have a effect in any way shape or form
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PDXDave on July 7, 2014
Thanks for speaking out, guys. But let's keep in mind that this latest version of FAA Follies is not limited to just FPV. By classifying anything connecting flying RC and money as a "commercial operation" that would outlaw contests with prizes, sponsored pilots, and businesses like Flite Test. So PLEASE understand the the potential ramifications for this go far beyond just FPV.
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kcmillin on July 8, 2014
First off, this is my first post, and I love what Flite Test is doing, and your doing it soooooo well.
Thank You!

So, Can I still fly FPV or what? I am a bit confused on this right now. Is there a list of regulations the FAA released that we can read and understand? Or does this mean that no matter what, your not allowed to fly FPV.....period?
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anonymous rc pilot on July 8, 2014
yes you can fly FPV but the FAA has isolated the hobby for more regulations those regulations are not yet devised
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Eddy Current on July 8, 2014
Hi kcmillin, thanks for joining the conversation!

And yes, you can keep flying FPV, for now.

Congress wrote an Act, the “FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012” and the President signed it into law. You can see a copy here ( https://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/reauthorization/media/PLAW-112publ95%5B1%5D.pdf). The part about model aircraft is Section 336, called “SEC. 336. SPECIAL RULE FOR MODEL AIRCRAFT”. It’s around page 67. It’s a short section and is interesting reading.

Recently, the FAA issued a $10,000 fine against Raphael Pirker (he goes by the nickname “Trappy”) because Mr. Pirker did some flying above the University of Virginia which the FAA said was wreckless, and Mr. Pirker was paid by the University for this. Mr. PIrker took the FAA to court, and won. The FAA is appealing. Google “FAA vs Trappy” for more info.

I believe part of the reason the FAA lost was because they had skipped over having a “public comments” period for their new rules. So that is what the FAA is doing right now, having a “public comments” period from June 23rd till July 25th. Once the public comments period is over, the FAA will review all the comments, and then the FAA will do whatever the FAA wants to do. I don’t think they will fine anyone for FPV flying until after they have reviewed the public comments and made a final policy decision.

After they finish the public comments/final decision process, they might fine someone for flying by FPV control, and that person will take them to court, just like Mr. Raphael “Trappy” Pirker did. I expect that this “test case” will also go in favor of the defendant and against the FAA’s position.

You can read the FAA "Interpretation" of the 2012 Act here...

I removed my original comment because my html didn't work properly.
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Little Ricky on July 8, 2014
Seems to me to be a case of we can watch you but we don't want you to watch us..
Our Government is overstepping it's authority. Do you really trust them? I for one do not...
Just look at the IRS. Need I say More.....

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nefastulo on July 9, 2014
Having read comments posted here and after reading the 17 page FAA statement they recently published, I get the feeling that not many people have actually taken the time to get informed. I see some intentions to limit and/or regulate RC flight. What it's stating is that the aircraft must be flown within the operators visual line of sight without the aid of any equipment or the aid of another person. You can still fly and record your flights with a camera on your RC aircraft, just as long as the operator uses his or her own natural vision to fly such aircraft. The problem is when you fly your drone so far away that you no longer see where it's at, and you rely solely on what you can see in your FPV goggles since you are not getting sufficient peripheral view to maneuver away from manned aircrafts and/or buildings.

The FAA document specifically addresses the idea of "the farmer checking on his crops", considering it not of a Hobby or Recreational nature. In cases such as the farmer or the "search party looking for lost children", another set of regulations would apply (probably even harsher). This document is not referring to those kinds of uses.

I enjoy FPV flight, and I fly responsibly. Unfortunately there are some who are flying over densely populated areas, over 400ft and sometimes les than 5 miles away from an airport, violating clear FAA regulations. Those are the ones that are gonna ruin it for the rest of us.

The FAA states from the very first page that it wants to give interested people the opportunity to comment. In other words, it's looking for people like you and me to provide them with our input and suggestions regarding these restrictions.

I believe enthusiast FPV flights should be allowed under certain conditions, for example, flying over large natural un populated areas where an RC aircraft would pose no threat to society if it were to go down.

I also believe that we need to be informed! Don't hurry up to write the FAA a letter about farmers and their crops, and rescue crews and what not. That is not what this is about. Thats a whole other subject.

Read the document, get informed, know what it is that they are trying to impose before sending them your mail. You can find the document here: http://www.faa.gov/about/initiatives/uas/media/model_aircraft_spec_rule.pdf

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aslimshade on July 7, 2014
I don't know what to say - but I think that the hobby is a wonderful hobby - i have been flying for 8 years and it is great. But when people do stupid things there are consequences, and when people do this, some organization is going to notice. So, this was inevitable - but come on...most of us are just people who want to go out and fly planes/helicopters. We have no intention of spying in people. (we are not the NSA) And it angers me just to think that we wont be able to fly FPV/planes in general just because people think we run around looking in peoples bedroom windows.
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Eddy Current on July 8, 2014
Hello Josh Bixler and Chad Kapper,

Out of your 180,000 youtube subscribers, one would suspect that at least 100,000 are located in the US. You have the power to put this 100,000 person resource to work, by directly petitioning the Obama Administration.

As you know, the FAA is an agency under the US Department of Transportation. The Secretary of the Department of Transportation, Anthony Foxx, serves as a member of President Obama’s Cabinet. The Obama Administration created the “We the People” website “to allow individuals to petition the Administration to take action on a range of issues — to address a problem, support or oppose a proposal, or otherwise change or continue federal government policy or actions.”

This petition site is part of the official whitehouse.gov website, it can be reached here (https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/). According to the site, “If a petition meets the signature threshold, it will be reviewed by the Administration and we will issue a response.” The signature threshold is 100,000 signatures within 30 days. Please be careful wording the petition. You should probably ask for assistance from the AMA, also from Mr. Henri Seydoux the CEO of Parrot (Bebop drones) , and perhaps also an attorney (one with Constitutional Law experience).

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rick_harriss on July 8, 2014
Sadly this is what happens when a technology is put within the reach of everyone - Some of those users are going to be irresponsible, thoughtless or unlucky and cause someone somewhere a problem. that is going to hit the media headlines, (little that is good makes the news), result - Hyped up complaints and regulation.
However for the larger majority of responsible users who do not fly over urban areas, crowds or invade others privacy this will make little difference because where responsible people fly it will be hard to police such a regulation.
For commercial organisations such as Flitetest, and although promoting the hobby aspects we have to assume they are a commercial organisation, they should be able to be licensed.

In the UK for many years RC users were regulated and licensed, (although not now), as were all radio transmitters, having a licence made it possible to revoke that license for breaching the regulations.
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Samuel Rowan on July 8, 2014
Yes, under the same logic, wireless routers should also be banned as one could do quite a lot of damage with one of those as well if he has the skills necessary.

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DFX2KX on July 8, 2014
indeed. flash a new OS onto the router itself, and you can jam any wireless signal in range, steal packets of data, or do other nefarious things.

The amount of stuff they'd have to ban to end FPV is staggering, and well out of their jurisdiction.
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QuasiFPV on July 8, 2014
Brand new user here.
I just submitted my constructive comments to Change.org and Regulations.gov.
Thanks for what you guys do, I love it!

Thanks, Scott (QuasiFPV)
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Orcoz on July 8, 2014
For monetary help, by all means sign up and become a member of the AMA. This is our best and largest combined advocate for our hobby. They provide an insurance coverage behind simple common sense safety guidelines, that if everyone followed our hobby would not be threatened as it is today.

Flitetest - you too have become amazing ambassadors of what this hobby means, and your mission; "entertain, educate and elevate the world of flight" is needed now more than ever. Please, please, please create an episode directed right to the personnel of the FAA to do just that. Entertain, EDUCATE, and elevate their thinking along this topic.

This "interpretation" seems overly punitive, and based on the fear of something misunderstood. We need to open our minds and hearts to everyone who will listen and help them understand the reality of what RC Flight is, and then the impact FPV is having. This hobby has been experiencing explosive and unprecedented growth over the last three years because of this technology, and we've only just started.

Now is not the time to douse imagination, but to guide it safely toward greatness.
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truths111 on July 9, 2014
The military use drones as a weapon. If battles of the future will be fought this way, is it any wonder that regulation on civilian use of drones is now being sought. Its too late for guns of course, but not for drones. Is this where the FAA are coming from?
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canuck on July 9, 2014
Please don't expect common sense from the government these days. Fear mongering drives people to extremes. Just look at the overreaction called the DHS. A few acts even perhaps criminal ones should never drive the level of overreach that we're seeing today. There are plenty of laws and regulations to deal with those the truly put people at risk. Some people are stretching the limits of what this new hobby is bringing to us but they should not be criminally liable unless they truly cause harm. We live with risk everyday and still enjoy a calm and fruitful existence. We regulate cars but don't ban them We understand the dangers of the miss use of alcohol but banning it hasn't worked. The AMA has been doing a wonderful job in guiding the hobby and it's growth for many years now. They should continue in that role and let the FAA play its role in guiding full sized aircraft. Why do governmental agencies insist on trying to do everything for everyone when systems are in place to deal with them. We have laws to control privacy and safety let them do what they do rather then try to rewrite everything in those few situations where you don't win. Maybe you lost because no harm was done.
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Desert.Rat on July 24, 2014
Dear FAA, over the last 3 years I have seen some amazing technologies being developed for the RC model aircraft industry. I have watched as the hobby has morphed from a stodgy, older, man dominated, and very exclusive and expensive hobby has opened up and become more inclusive because of new and exciting technologies. I am very against the FAA attempting to regulate a hobby with there over bearing rules designed for full size private and public aircraft. I understand the need for a centralized body of rules and regulations for an industry that move 10's of thousands of people each day and lives are at risk as they are transported into the upper atmosphere.

The model RC aircraft industry is a small and vibrant field where new ideas and designs can be tried and tested, with failures being a wrecked foam wing or a crumpled nose cone. No human life is endangered like it was in the early days of flight. My father is a private pilot and is now grounded due to medical conditions, but he can still walk to the park and launch his small foam plane in the air and pretend. With the new technology of First Person View or FPV he is able to feel the experience of being behind the controls again.

I also feel that regulating this industry with the bureaucracy of the FAA will stifle and eliminate the new ideas as creativity that is now growing. I have seen young people get off the couch and put down there video games and look for new ways to use the amazing and in expensive controller platforms. These are our future engineers and physics students.

I do understand that there must be rules that need to be followed for safety, both for the public and the RC pilot. I feel there are other bodies like the AMA and also local city councils. Just because these toys leave the ground does not mean they need to have FAA over site. If the FAA is worried about drones, then set a weight limit of 25lbs and not controlled actively within 2 miles of the transmitter is considered a device that needs extra over site and permits. I am concerned that putting a hobby under FAA jurisdiction will drive it all underground and you will now have kids doing more and more daring stunts. This technologies will not go away because the same technologies that are in my iPod are used for this hobby. What would our wold be like if government regulated the young men and also some women building those dangerous flying machines. Our whole way of life in the USA would be different. Would we even have gone to the moon? I'm sure there would have been other nations that would have encouraged creativity and set the worlds imagination afire. This is the case now. China and the European nations are moving ahead of us and more regulation will just stifle us.

Please reconsider your approach to this industry. We finally see our young people getting excited and creating, don't snuff that out.

Thank you for your consideration.
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alpha99025 on July 8, 2014
Just did my part by leaving a comment
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AG Pro on July 8, 2014
People fear of changes and start to make rules and regulations to make this changes as safe as possible. Changes in the hobby, such as FPV technology will help the hobby grow, of course in a positive way. Not only the hobby which is growing, but most importantly the community who grows along with the hobby. The hobby exists because the community exists.

Anybody would agree if the rules and regulations support the growth of the hobby and provide safety for all of us. But rules which are strictly prohibition to changes which hinder or even stop the growth of the hobby, will bring disappointment to the community. I hope they would find the positive solution to this.
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donnyb on July 8, 2014
Actually I can understand that the FAA is concerned. But who is supposed to enforce the new regulations? The police, local sheriff are they going to add flying a toy around in the sky as a crime? Are people going to go to court because of this? I don't think so. As a matter of fact our justice systems are filled with cases of more serious crimes than flying a model around. How about calling it Real person view. (RPV) Then the FAA Can see that this is all a interpretation of acronyms. I think if the FAA really wanted to protect people on the ground they might look into the Chem trails. They would do random audits on all the air lines. Actually to even take it a step further maybe create a check list before every airliner takes to the sky. I think they have entirely too much time on there hands.
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alfredo arbe on July 18, 2014
Hi,Im not from the US but allways praised America for being a country concerned about freedom, many regard the US as reference point in that sense, so Im still worried. What can FPV comunity expect from other countries authorities?
Im an agronomist engineer, besides my hobby activity, I do use RC and FPV to survey crops and of course I am paid for that, I can imagine that many colleagues in the US are doing the same,what can them expect under these regulations?
Are them expected to get away from that tecnology?
I cant imagine a consistent reason behind this incredible ban,safety concerns can be obviously discarded.

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rickitee on July 8, 2014
Too many times rules and laws get put into our every day lives restricting what we can and can not do because of the actions of a few and the rest of us have to suffer for. Laws should be written and directed at those who do not respect the rights and privileges of others rather than restricting everyone. Please rewrite your rules in such a way as to stop those who have no respect for others and that encourages those true hobbyists and innovators who truly love the sport and who respect the rights and privileges of others.
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Schlutorflyer on July 8, 2014
It's valid to expects laws to be framed in such a way that only offenders need fear them but the problem faced by regulators is that they have scant resources to police said laws and regulations, as Rick says above.
It's sensible to allow FPV operations below 300 feet, away from populated areas, a certain distance from an airfield and, with an observer because one of the key aspects of flying with goggles is the lack of any peripheral vision, or indeed any real situational awareness that a pilot, flying a full size aeroplane uses all the time when flying VFR. I also fear the issue that would hit the headlines isn't a small issue but a big one..like a 2kg quad at 1500feet hitting a full size aircraft. To be fair to the regulators that's what they fear. It's not a matter of Govt interference about taking away rights that so many people like to claim, because rights do come with responsibility. The main problem is this technology is now everywhere, with no hope of somehow regaining control over it.
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Sharky on July 8, 2014
Seems to me that nothing worth having in this world comes without a fight, it has been this way through out history, how do u think we got this far with the government, take a look at our constitution. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. I guess we need to remind the current administration once again!
I have been on the planet for 60 years and am a Vietnam vet as well so you can understand just how much this country means to me so like the rest of you, I will do all in my power to let the government know that they DO NOT need to govern my happiness, we are doing fine without them thank you, to that end I have followed your lead and emailed everyone I know, put it up on my face book page, emailed the senator,congressman and the FAA. I must impress upon my fellow "Flite Testers" to do the same. One suggestion though, I think the AMA should get together with all interested parties such as yourselves, the hobby shops an any other parties to come up with our own rules then broadcast them to the world just like the guys did with ultralights! We need to do this fast before the FAA has a chance to wreck our sport! Good luck to all.
Now if we could just get some major band to write a song....................................

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Splatwillicrash on July 8, 2014
Crash Hancock over at the Crash Cast just had a great podcast called "SQUIRREL" (he was kind all over the place) but they had a great discussion regarding this subject and provide some really good points that we might be able to use in our letters. I would listen to it, and also listen to the many many full scale pilots who are also into model avation and FPV. We love the sport, we love FPV and yet we do have concerns about thoughtless, or uneducated or just plane reckless individuals making it more dangerous than it need be.

There is room in the sky for us all, but we need to approach this in a logical and careful manner.
1. Follow the guidelines the AMA and FAA agreed to. they are easy to find, most of us do follow them anyway but if your unclear on these, then jump on the AMA Website and take a quick review.
2. Make sure EVERY hobby shop and EVERY RC Club in your area understands this is not just about FPV, The interpretation also makes any operation of a model aircraft for commercial gain, illegal. If your a sponsored Pilot, or just win a kit in a contest you are now a criminal for accepting financial gain for flying your Model or your Multi-rotor or whatever trips your trigger. Forget Contests, Forget Competitions of any kind. If flying a Model Aircraft for money in a demonstration of aerobatics (FAA's own example here) is illegal, say by to all contests large and small. From AMA's Xtreme Flight Challenge, to Heli-Masters, to your local CAS or F3 Glider Contest.

Things you can do...
1. Write a respectful and well thought out comment letter in the Federal Register.
2. Join the AMA and if you have a little spare change, throw a donation at their Government Relations department. I did.
3. Be an ambassidor for the hobby. Offer a chance to others to wear the goggles, and explain the technology and it's possible uses beyond "evil DRONE" media scare stories.
4. Do write your congressperson, explain not just that it is about fun, but that the technology is benificial for so many other uses, from Ag to search and rescue. Explain that the FAA's broad brush approach is poorly thought out and is poised to GUT not only the RC hobby but also an industry that is getting ready to flourish as more and more applications are developed for SUAV technology.
4. Make sure every Hobby Shop in your area or in a city you visit, is aware of the potential devastation this can do to the hobby. Make sure EVERY club you know in your area, If they are Park Flyers or 40%'ers. It don't matter at all, make sure they know their hobby is looking at being brought under DIRECT FAA CONTROL and they might be looking at having to comply with whatever in the FAR Part 91 manual the FAA later decides to capriciously add to this later on.

This is not just about FPV, this is about the FAA so severely restricting and regulating our hobby and the amazing technology we are just now getting a taste of.

There is lots more you can do, and many of you have posted great ideas, but what you cant afford to do is become divided between the FPV'rs and the rest of the hobby. If we appear divided, then we will fail and our country will end up banning a technology that has more potential than any other tech revolution in the last twenty years.

Hope to see you guys at Flite Fest

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lsutiger607 on July 20, 2014
First let me say I'm a big fan of the show and advocate of the hobby, but I feel a little devil's advocate is needed here. Just watched a FT clip discussing the FAA comment process with Trappy. I find that a bit hypocritical. These new interpretations from the FAA come as a result of their defeat in court over the video Trappy made filming the university. The judge ruled the FAA can't enforce laws that don't exist, not that what he did was safe. So.....these new rules/interpretations are exactly what we should have expected from the FAA to insure that doesn't happen again. Prior to this, the FAA kindly asked us to stay below 400 feet, within line of sight, away from crowded areas and away from airports. You can find violations of each of these 'FAA requests' in many Team Black Sheep videos on YouTube. The FAA has the responsibility to protect the public and if people continue to violate the rules they have asked us to follow (and post the evidence on the internet) what are they (FAA) to do? I think if the FAA has to choose between having a LiPo sucked into a jet engine, having multi rotors rain on a crowd of people or banning FPV, which do you think they will choose? Operating machines in the air traditionally involved aircraft, pilots and a lot of training to participate in the airspace. The training is necessary because flying is inherently unforgiving and potentially dangerous. Now that technology has allowed the uninformed, untrained and, as I have pointed out, irresponsible to share this airspace, bad things can and will happen. The difference between flying FPV safely and according to the rules and creating 'FPV in the Clouds' and 'New Altitude Record' videos is simply a matter of personal integrity and responsibility and is something that the people tasked with protecting the public cannot police on a case by case basis. So, is there a compromise? My guess is that FPV will become an activity that requires certification. Again, I understand that a child's (in some cases) hobby shouldn't require training but we need to find a way to separate the responsible from the reckless in our hobby and I see no other way. If anyone has better ideas I think it is those ideas that will do the most good with regard to this comment window the FAA has allowed.

In summary, I think we all should have rejected these TBS videos and those of the like instead of celebrating them. This 'interpretation' from the FAA is the price we may all have to pay for that mistake. As a community leader I think FliteTest should reconsider their advocacy of TBS in order to disassociate the program from reckless and irresponsible promotion of our hobby.
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Jaxx on July 21, 2014
I agree with you 100%. I could not have said this any better myself. I too find it somewhat hypocritical, because in my opinion, Trappy is a part of the problem that has brought us to this point. I am actually surprised that more people have not take this position on this issue.
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unleafthekraken on July 8, 2014
signed petition and posted the following comment to regulations.gov

Classifying a remote controlled foam plane in the same group as a 5,000 pound commercial uav would be a tremendous error of regulation. This does not mean I vote against safety, the recent incidences with 'drones' being flown out of line of sight by inexperienced operators over heavily populated areas or landmarks is troubling and those offenders should be prosecuted. Notably the incidents in NYC and Kansas City where DJI Phantoms crashed into skyscrapers while being flown recklessly by inexperienced pilots who failed to report the accident and essentially 'fled the scene.' People who endanger lives should be prosecuted and held accountable for their actions.

However, the RC community has bloomed over the last few years as huge technological leaps have made the hobby more affordable, and easier to get involved with than ever before. Many people get started by learning with a friend or through websites like flitetest.com that encourage safe, responsible, and courteous behavior. Many cities have multiple clubs set up similar to gun ranges. Members pay dues to access the facility for a safe and well maintained location to fly and have fellowship with other enthusiasts like themselves. In areas of the US that have less urban density it is sometimes as easy as going out your back door with your friends for the afternoon to 'burn a couple batteries' and fly in a safe environment.

Other countries in the world are already ahead of the United States by integrating FPV and RC flying into their airspace successfully and there has been no 'drone apocalypse' as a result of this. The United States stands to continue to fall behind other countries by restricting the hobby. We are far from the leaders in STE(A)M education, and the RC hobby provides a fun, safe, and engaging way to present young children, when working with their parents or a mentor, an early introduction to advanced concepts in mechanical and electrical engineering, aerodynamics, and aerospace engineering. Planes crash and when they do, the pilot fixes them back up again, teaching them analytical problem solving skills. We stand to have much to gain through the continued spread of the RC Hobby,throwing out the baby with the bath water would be the wrong move and a disservice to the people of the United States of America.
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ovres on July 8, 2014
Let's hope that they will continue to sell weapons in the U.S. which are a lot less dangerous !?! If you look at it from the other side of the ocean, you think they are there to doing in the land of the free ?
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shamaloka on July 8, 2014
Though I dont know if this regulation would affect where I'm living in UAE. But I support your cause and the need to keep such an amazing and nice hobby experience open for all people who would like to try it and be part of it. Even if used commercially and it was under control, why not? It opens paths for many new uses and utilization of FPV.

Wish you all the best of luck
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Hunter9921 on July 9, 2014
So the FAA is breaking the Declaration of Independence. "For the pursuit of happiness". I think that the government has much more things to worry about then putting down small companies and businesses that make a living off of this like FliteTest. If this falls through, we can pretty much kiss this entire hobby away.
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CUFC on July 10, 2014
Sounds to me that FPV is still ok as long as when you take the glasses off and look up, the plane is within visual line of sight... thoughts?
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Yogenh on July 8, 2014
I am now 60 and have been fly Rc for over 35 years and really think that too much pressure has been put on this hobby. We should be able to have fun and make new things happen. You guys are doing a great job and keep it going
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nrivera571 on July 8, 2014
Just signed up to be an AMA member. This is crazy. The way the rule is written it doesn't make sense to me. The way I read it, I can legally stand on a top of hill that overlooks a valley, fly a model that's large enough to see miles away (think about it with the right gear and descending to stay below 400 AGL, this is doable), but standing in a field at my local flying club wearing FPV goggles makes me a criminal.
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enivid on July 9, 2014
This is more than an FAA regulation, this about the freedom to tinker. Engineering is grassroots, it starts as an idea that you build your basement and it finishes as unique flying device that can change things. The multirotor industry has flourished because of this freedom but as the Joshes said let's highlight what derivative benefits of our hobby: batteries. Look at the progression of battery technology and how it has literally killed our addiction for oil. Imagine how all of our tinkering will move this from small scale to large scale (trucks and planes!).

Flitetest: get the support for Adam Savage and have him with Bixler bring this to Washington.
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Hunter9921 on July 11, 2014
This is the comment that i sent in. ------------ Rc flight is a very small hobby that has grown greatly in the past few years. New technology has been introduced that can help out in everyday life. This hobby is one of the least practiced hobbies out there. Some of the things that RC flight has done is create jobs for people that have great experiences about flight but are unable to get a job associated with full scale flying.
Why punish the small community of rc flight for some stupid acts that some people decide to do? This Country should be a leader in all of this new technology that can save a persons life and help protect our country instead of being a country that doesn't have this advancement in technology.
Rc flight is a way for people to relax and to enjoy flight without having to own and operate a very expensive and very time consuming full scale aircraft.
Some people create inventions in rc flight that can benefit millions of people without them even knowing it. Some of these people also do these types of things for a living. People should have the right to go out and design their own plane, build it, and go out and be able to test fly it and have some trial and error that a lot of people in this hobby enjoy greatly. Please reconsider your ruling that can make businesses to become shut down and can create people jobless. Don't punish the entire hobby for something that very few people have done.
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kT on July 12, 2014
Hey there i have posted my comment on FAA everyone please post your comment it would hardly take 5 minutes ... Cant we sacrifice our 5 minutes for this beautiful hobby??? below is the comment i've posted :

To whom so ever it may concern:

I am a mechanical engineer and i have recently joined the community of "model aviation" and i love this hobby very much.

I Live in The India and here this hobby is not famous and popular as in The US and other developed countries so its my dream to share this hobby as wide as i can and i want to make people aware of what they are missing.

This hobby teaches us various values that helps us to become a good human being. It teaches us : Team work, eagerness to learn and adopt new things, CREATIVITY, it helps us to develop attitude towards facing the problems and solving them.

Before getting into this hobby i used to get angry on little problems of life but this hobby is teaching me PATIENCE.

And if some mistakes or mischief is done by some bad guys I SAY SORRY ON BEHALF OF THEM.

Please do not do this to us....

Thank you. 
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Schlutorflyer on July 8, 2014
Hi guys,
Love ya work.
Couple of things come to mind when I see debate about FPV. In Australia we can fly FPV under 300 feet providing there is an observer next to the pilot who has constant line of sight with the aircraft. This is sensible. We are talking aircraft below 2kg in weight.
However as a full size pilot of some 30 years experience it terrifies me the irresponsible actions even shown by your own David W in flying FPV aircraft to great heights over huge distances with no regard for the safety of full size aircraft and their crew. These sorts of operations are going on all the time, obviously way outside the law. At the moment your FAA is throwing the baby out with the bathwater, but obviously feel the need to get on top of the fringe element in this part of the hobby.
This is new territory for the regulators in many countries because the technology is relatively cheap, the aircraft themselves can be set up to fly themselves meaning people can get involved without the discipline of learning to fly at a club, with the attendant rules and self policing that goes on at such fields, so suddenly there are lots of people flying on their own or in small groups, some of which are doing really stupid things, with very little to stop them.
It's a brave new world.
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bstanley72 on July 8, 2014
A bit off topic but this all cap (FUTURA?) font is really difficult to read, especially for body copy. Please consider going to something else.

And yes, I've commented to the FAA about this lunacy (the FPV rules, not your website font!)
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DFX2KX on July 8, 2014
... And now an AMA member, well, pending the issuance of a an AMA number...
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DFX2KX on July 8, 2014
And comment submitted
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hollywoodfox on July 8, 2014
How could America , The Land of the Free, get it so wrong. Didn't you learn anything from Prohibition? Decisions based on fear. The next generation of American military pilots will be Chinese as they are poised to become world leaders in technology and experience... You guys can buy a semi automatic assault rifle but you can't put a camera on a rc plane... God Bless your Constitution.. Come and fly free in Australia...
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John F Hendry on July 25, 2014
Hay guys, I just wrote a reply to a post now missing supporting it and pointing out well stated issues in it in support of FPV and as I tried to post it my computer shut down to protect it and this has been happening at critical times for months making it more difficult to get the truth out. I'm offline right now to get past the "attacks" getting posts up and I'll just add to it since they think this is a game. Here's what's someone is trying to hide.... On June 9, 2009 all my remote control aircraft along with everything I own was illegally taken in violation of a Superior Court Order by the WA Klickitat Sheriffs under the direction of a local WA political lobbyist who deceived me to acquire the case evidence in a lawsuit in Hawaii I was about to win in 21 days after countless other illegal actions failed to stop me with threats in writing followed through with unsuccessfully and the police refusing to investagate. It took nine years and I had to use 5 attorneys fighting Boeing's Senior Scientist on Maui who claimed he owned our HOA road in front of his property and mine to stop my construction and try to use the legal system to take the property from me. This backfired on him and he ended up affecting the other HOA members and the damages soared well past 25 million dollars IMO due the value of the real estate affecting over 100 KAPWC HOA water meter owners. The insurance company's attorneys exposed a structure of the US legal system that is not supposed to be seen but we all know exists. The case documents are posted on the Internet with many people acting as custodians of record holding documents not posted as well to protect the truth as well as the criminal case so everyone gets a fair trial so you can look much of it up and I won't go into detail and repeat myself. I have nothing to hide and it basically protected itself thanks to the Internet and email. And curiosity.

Normally cases like this involving police and legal system corruption get lost among countless other cases but what happened has drawn attention to itself because things got so frickin insane it's down right interesting to read about when you realize its all real unedited news you will never see on TV news media reporting it. IMO the "scientific theory" behind the good doctor's plan was "if we do really crazy stuff no one will believe we did it" and it worked for a while believe it or not. But people catch on to being deceived and when the HOA members voted in a new board that's when all He** broke loose and the legal system got flushed down the toilet and kept on going like a long turd, which is what we see happening in the world right now as people in power try to use deception to hide it as things get worse and they screw up trying to stay on top.

Then something absolutely amazing and almost impossible happened that involves all remote control aircraft to draw attention to the case I had documented on line for years: In September of 2011 CERN announced neutrinos were moving at (v-c)/c=2.48e-5 sec in 453.6 miles allowing me to prove E=mc2 is only correct relative to the weak force representing a wait state and relative to the strong force it's E=m+{a}c2 (from the reference frame where the neutrino has Mass) by using SLAC's E158 weak force asymmetry data to show what caused the extra 2.48e-5 sec in time/distance added. That's the {a} in the equation I discovered for myself years before by solving the Unified Field Theory equation that shows when we look at light we are looking at a speed of light clock generating it and {a} is the time dilation value needed that lets our clocks move. This is what creates what's called the fine structure constant and this is the equation e{a}/t=hv that proves it. If it was wrong there would be objection to it, not silence as people run off with it to try and put their name on it. LOL

After I posted it on Nature's Forum SLAC seeing their E158 data match CERN's neutrino data went back over their BaBar data and confirmed the asymmetry in time I pointed out using CERN and SLAC's E158 data and gave it a sigma 14 level of certainty (meaning it's correct) and announced the discovery in November 2012. It's not really "that" complex but it is "deep" so I won't go into detail here but you personally know what the asymmetry detected is because it's called "gravity". Most people here have heard of it because it breaks stuff;-) Because it removes the uncertainty principle Einstein refused to accept he called "dice" it introduces a new field of mathematics and that places trained physicists at a real disadvantage to well-educated laymen such as music technicians and electronic hobbyists that work with normal mathematics without the complex errors added.

Because gravity is caused by a harmonic comma it explains the illusion of dark matter showing space forms in a harmonic octave level structure and this observation is changing all fields of science even though not "officially' announced hidden by a "loose cable" that goes back to Sommerfeld in 1948 who detected it first using photons because the neutrino acts as the photon's quasi antiparticle and CERN used Muon phase timed neutrinos (same phase timing).

The atom now has 4 parts or more accurately 4 Mass oscillation phases in space that is created relative to time connected to a true inertial frame of reference with the "missing" graviton added that was misnamed the "hole" next to the electron where you would expect it to be, and time now has a second reverse arrow making sense of entropy, and the list of changes goes on and on. So as result many people profiting off corruption thinking they are part of a New World Order to justify it want me to sign a non-disclosure agreement to hide what happened and join in after the well documented attempts on record to silence me failed. But when you prove Consciousness has Mass it's because you see the balance that creates the Spiritual side of Life and that's not going to happen and my work is done unless they wake up and want to profit off it. Otherwise War will flip the table of wealth and reduce populations horrifically in the process as hate runs it course and History repeats itself. We need a NWO, but it must support {a} freewill to work and it's that simple. We have computers now and it can be done. Deception is for animals and plants, not Humans needed to protect all Life and the planet we live on.

I hate to say it but this removal of our Civil Rights to fly FPV rather than make reasonable changes I agree are needed is happening because Americans have allowed their government to be taken over by the interests of greed that exist outside the Country as well as within it, and money obtained through illegal power is behind it. Despite the NSA and other agencies like the DIS needed to know basic facts meaning they know who is who and have more information than they need to do their job honestly, look what happens to your children under the direction of the FAA as their genitals are touched by strangers that's only job opportunity by talent was to put on a uniform and exert authority. Greed powered by hate and the politics of deception supporting it has caused division in place of unity and order where Americans have been divided by their own DNA phase timing of emotion politicians accidently discovered through observation and have used to control people ever since as they burn the candle at both ends sitting in the middle in a small group getting rich off people's losses which weakens the ability of the people they need to support them to make life better for everyone including the rich themselves. I can show you posts that blame the left, and posts that blame the right for the same exact thing: phosphate and sugar, fear and hate, the pendulum of time has two tones, two arrows, and consciousness is connected to it through Mass oscillation as our DNA gene ensemble shows. And the most basic reason you need laws is to control the thugs used to break the law and control people because that is what they do best unless something needs to be figured out first.

There is more to the FAA than meets the eye. The TSA has now been taken to the roads. And my morality is not for sale so you better wake up Mark. When you see things change so impossibly and unexpectedly you need to accept why. The President needs to expose his true abilities as a great leader of idiots who couldn't agree what to put in a pot to boil water and treat this situation as a board game where people have cheated and restart it letting bygones be bygones otherwise time will catch up and fear and hate will rip it apart and Einstein will be proven correct for the last time while the rich hold their current advantage and position. {a} changed everything. And high school level math let it be seen and understood by a new generation.
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punkbuster on August 13, 2014
I love FPV - I just got into it - so I don't want it to go away. If you guys/gals feel the same, consider getting this shirt to show your support: http://teespring.com/savethedrones
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matttackett36 on July 10, 2014
I have done my part by leaving a comment, signing the petition, and sharing the article.
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State6three8 on July 10, 2014
I posted this on the FAA Facebook page:

I'd like to leave some feedback on:

14 CFR Part 91 [Docket No. FAA-2014-0396] Interpretation of the Special Rule for Model Aircraft.

I would like to express my displeasure of these rules to regulate the model aviation industry. Namely, First Person View (FPV) of model aircraft. FPV is one of the safest methods to operate a model aircraft, as the operator is giving input "from the view of the cockpit", as apposed to from the ground, in an awkward disorienting position. The rule speaks of goggles limiting the view of the pilot, when they actually give more view than some models of manned aircraft. It's my opinion that FPV provides a safer method of flight than line of sight, especially for new users.

My next subject of displeasure is the FAA's widespread prohibition of model aircraft in use of commercial ventures. I would like to use a model aircraft for event and location photography. My wish is to photograph images under contract (weddings, social events, real-estate... etc.). Not, in any way, invading anyone's privacy.

The rules have the appearance of being discriminatory, as photography from a manned aircraft is, relatively, unregulated. A much larger, manned, aircraft is much more hazardous and disruptive than a diminutive model. The military's use of "Drones" has given this subject a black eye. Please do not over regulate or damage my opportunity for economic growth.

I believe the ethical use of model aircraft is important. So, please work with industry experts to further regulate this slice of the aviation world. It's easy to create widespread rules, but it doesn't make it right. Please allow this technology to enrich the American dream, rather than limit it.

Thank you for your attention, Scott Lasher
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flight monkey on July 8, 2014
Hey Flitetest, I signed the petition. On change.org. I would love to contribute monetarily, Like I did for the FliteFest. But as I read the conditions, on their website, I'm not too fond of the idea of them keeping my account info open. Keeping it around is not safe for me. Now if it was with Pay Pal, or like FliteFest, I'd be glad to contribute. Maybe you guys can set up something with PayPal?
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Hell2Go on July 8, 2014
Why is it that the media only jumps on the stories of horrific accidents and the bad part of everything? how about showing the world the good that is done with FPV? Like Josh said, farmers inspecting their crops, finding lost children, and finding survivors after tornados and sunamis and earthquakes. The government needs to rethink its decision making parameters. If some maniac runs through a college killing people with a hammer they will ban all hammers in a heartbeat and the media will get into fistfights to show you the most gruesome shots of the onslaught first. None of them will worry about how to get their house built without hammers. I'm sure the government will just turn it into another way to separate us from our hard earned money by allowing fpv only if you pay for a special permit and license to use it. I can barely afford batteries for my planes, I can't afford FPV gear yet and can't afford a license, but I will scrape together enough to join AMA and help to support the cause every way I can... See you at FliteFest!!!
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Hell2Go on July 8, 2014
Joined AMA at 50% off!!! And a free magazine too! AWESOME!!!!!
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BorisB on July 8, 2014
Well I am not from US, but I have met so many great people from US and other parts of the world with this fantastic hobby. It's just a shame it would stop on this way. Also a good thing of FPV is that people can show some of their very nice environment where they live from different perspective on a completely different way. Safety should be respected!
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USAbro on July 9, 2014
I don't fly fpv but I still commented on that other site.
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Heppy Ket on July 9, 2014
G'day from the land down under! We watch the drama unfolding Stateside with great interest as I am sure it will affect the decision making by our Administrators and Rule Makers here in Australia as well. We have generally been air minded here and safety conscious to boot, having made significant contributions to aviation in the past.

Good luck with your quest to have common sense prevail and know you have our unqualified support.
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wattsl01 on July 10, 2014
Hi from sunny England to Josh, all at FT, and everyone making these valuable contributions. Petition signed.
The worst decisions throughout history have been made in haste, and have no proper research to stand behind, no consultation with the people to be affected to back them up. This is one of those decisions. The FAA needs to set out on a proper fact finding mission and talk to the hobbyists and clubs in the US to get a proper feel of how responsibly this aspect of the hobby is conducted. I don't think they could possibly reach the same conclusion after that.
Why am i concerned, hey im in England? Because i think inevitably this kind of decision by one of the worlds largest regulators of aviation as a whole will certainly have a knock on effect unless they can be made to see sense by showing them the real, safety conscious side of FPV
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w0odi on July 13, 2014
I am an avid RC pilot and live in rural Missouri in the south central part of the state and it is not an issue for me here but in other areas of the state I can see some potential for some inexperienced fpv pilots getting into trouble around AG Aviation and I think this is one of the major complainers to the FAA because of the job flying in close proximity to the ground and concentrating on other obstacles they are complaining that some untrained person not using good judgment might cause them to get into an accident and I can somewhat understand their concern... to me this is another case for the Feds to have an opportunity to put their thumb on us like they try with so many other issues we face everyday... Here is a link to the article on the NAAA's website...

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monika on September 5, 2014
I love FPV - I just got into it - so I don't want it to go away. http:// www.typrinting.com
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Knobbiewilliams on November 20, 2014
Hi, i am from England and i am 44 years old and have been enjoying my rc hobby without any form of accident ( apart from the odd crash :/ ). i feel the widespread availability of these and other 'off the shelf' vehicles has brought about this argument. take the big 1/4 scale baja buggies. locally i have heard of a few really bad accidents involving these monsters. i have also heard and read about the very infrequent accidents involving rc planes and helicopters. some have been complete accidents, others have been foolish errors of "common sense" and normal etiquette around non rc people. some non rc people do not wish to get involved with the sport, some wish to prohibit it completely. whilst flying in my local air park near heathrow airport with a 126" span open rc glider, a dog walker who i did not see until the last minute decided my hi start bungee was not meant to be there. so they un fastened it at the corkscrew end and was only stopped by a fellow flyer when it was noticed what they were up to. the public do not realize how much kinetic energy is stored in a 100 mtr length of rubber cord and if it was under full launch strain, it would have uncontrollably pulled itself out of the ground after a few twists and flown at god knows what speed towards our mostly upward viewing group of glider fliers. nothing happened that day apart from a very tangled ball of 150 mtrs of fishing trace all was well. there will always be a rouge element in any rc sport where the people in charge of the plane, car or boat, will have no insurance, little experience, and not give a damm about anyone else s enjoyment of a shared public or private space/airspace. no amount of rules will ever get rid of this rouge element in our sport sadly. in england, flyers of planes, gliders and helicopters can opt to fly a competence scheme under our BMFA umbrella. this is an indication of how well we are able to control ourselves and our models and it's rules or guidelines help us to keep within the boundaries of the law and common sense and safety. we all need to be insured for third party and also, i would support the wearing of some sort of id to show A: how competent we are. B: that we are insured. not alot of non rc people know about our organisations and how they advise and help us keep our wonderful sport safe. don't let it be spoiled by the idiots. during the 10 or so years i flew power, electric and gliders near heathrow at hanworth airpark, not once did i hear of the airport sending out someone to investigate bad practices or anyone flying above our limit. we are losing club fields left, right and center in england due to many reasons. i do not yet know of a competency test for multirotors in England but i can't see the harm in being able to prove how good you are and at the very least, getting some insurance under your belt. i have been watching closely how this new facet of our sport has bloomed, i have also seen the media push the bad news stories about it too. you never hear the media bigging up how we are insured and how our competency is measured and tested. end word....don't let the arse's ruin it for everyone please....
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Zeb Ludlow on February 22, 2015
Thanks for speaking out Flite Test and for the links I'm doing my part of keeping this great hobby around by giving some respectful comments.
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futurepilot on April 20, 2015
Hi fittest thanks for posting the video, I am just began to do fvp flitting and I love it. If there is any thing I could help with just let me know.
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Frankie89 on November 21, 2015
A petition (link below) has been created on the White House's website "We the People" requesting the Obama administration to direct the FAA to allow for the safe and responsible use of FPV technology to conduct model aircraft flight operations in accordance with Section 336 of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of the 2012. Please sign the petition and forward it. The FAA is making up these rules as I type this, now is the time to speak out.

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DrDrew on December 31, 2015
In my opinion were 1 major incident from not having an outdoor hobby anymore. The 30nm from DC could be put around ever major airport in the country and if it is, most of us won't be able to fly anymore. My suggestion, be careful.
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Redstone on June 10, 2016
It's the people that abuse the hobby that should be punished, not the hobby itself. If somebody violates private property, or individuals privacy then that perpetrator is the one that she needs to be punished but not the means with what the individual used. There are many ways one law can be broken but it is still the individual not the tools that are responsible.
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