Father and Son SPITFIRES!!!

by DP AIR CREW | February 14, 2014 | (13) Posted in Projects

Hello everyone,

This project was a blast, my dad and I are flying buddies and we generally have all the same planes. We recently got corsairs for christmas are having a blast chasing eachother around and doing formation flying. We had been chatting a long time about war birds and now we have expanded our fleet! I built my dad and I matching paint scheme yet different color spitfires!!! How awesome right? Well, we are very excited and I thought it would be cool to show you our planes to hopefully inspire other families to either get into the hobby or expand like we have. If these planes look a little big it is becausethey are scaled up a bit. I wanted a nice large frame so we could really see them from a distance andhave a gentler smoother flying machine. the plans call for a 42" ingspan I believe and when I printed them I enlarged them to have a 50" wingspan. Everything in the plans was scaled to the correct size along with the wings so everything still fit brilliantly.

Here are my two wing halfs all cut and taped with colored packing tape and ready to be formed into my wings.


Here are my two built wings, as I mentioned before, I chose to make a father and son matching planes!

It is starting to come together. The wing was inserted and glued into plave. Next is the tail.

Fuselage has been joined to the wing and tail.

Wing in the fuselage and tail servos installed. I cleaned up the wiring really well to keep anything from rattling inside while in flight. I wanted to be able to shake my plane and have no noise coming from internal objects bouncing around.


Same thing with the green one.


I am not sure if you can see in the tail end of the fuselage but i cut notched out and glued the tail servo wires to the rear formers to secure them from flopping around.


Both planes are ready for turtle deck.

Quick side view of one.

Built the powerpods and the are ready to be glued into the fuselage. I love the idea of it being swappable however these planes will keep their power packages because I have matched them up to have all the same electronics as our store bought corsiars to make sure they are comparable in speed.

Turnigy Nano-tech A-spec 2200 mAh velco to the bottom of the power pods.

My Dad's plane is so close to being done!!


Both planes are just about all wrapped up, All that is left is some extra taping and a way to get air into the powerpod. I will add airscoops on the side for that due to the powerpod being glued in with no preinstalled air hole....oops, remember to keep ESC cooling in mind when building scratch builds.

Check it out, All Done!! Added air scoops too. look below for a closer view of the air scoops I made. Now its a modified Spitfire.


I know that I hav ejumped between the red and green plane but I built each of these planes step by step together so whatever the green/ red plane was at, so was the other. Please enjoy my ideas and adopt them into your builds.......enjoy the hobby and share good memories.


Krivak957 on March 7, 2014
Very nice article. What size motors, props and ESCs did you use for the "super-sized" Spitfires? We would love to see some video or a report about how they fly.
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skindoc on March 9, 2014
Where did you get that huge spinner ?
Anyone have a good online source for spinners ?
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Scruffy on March 10, 2014
I was just thinking the same. What is the size of that one actually? Thanks

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PyroBraniac on May 9, 2014
Awesome paint jobs! How did you do it?
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Father and Son SPITFIRES!!!