Fiberglass supply from computer parts

by exanko | May 7, 2013 | (13) Posted in Projects

A few days ago I broke two motor mounts on my x525. I needed a quick fix so I can fly again quickly. I went to local shop and they had only 1mm aluminium stripes witch are realy thin for motor mounts. My old GPU that i used for my battery mount still lying on my table. PCB from it is same thicknes as original mounts, but is much more stronger.

 Video tutorial:


First of all i brutaly desoldered parts from PCB

Than i clean the surface with sand paper

Than i traced original mounts

Nex step was to cult them out and drill the holes

And there you have it, super stylish motor mounts. They are same thicknes and much more stronger.

 I replaced only broken ones, but i will replace all in the future.

Thanks, i hope you liked it and dont forget to rate this artile.


lracnolip on May 9, 2013
TYVM, I broke two of my mounts also and HK has yet to sell replacement parts. Great idea
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lFritZl on May 8, 2013
That's really not bad, ..... moore's law creating material for rc parts, hehe. (I've always hated throwing away perfectly good pc components just cause they out dated, this puts a good use to them)
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Testdummy on May 7, 2013
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mordy on May 8, 2013
Not only is a fantastic idea, but it looks really good !! the old tracks and silhouettes of the components looks all terminatorish, good on ya !!
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tramsgar on May 8, 2013
Great reuse of old junk! How did you cut them out? Dremel? I'd imagine the dust from that is not exactly healthy, RoHS or not...
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exanko on May 8, 2013
I used Fret saw for cutting and dremel for finish
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AdverseYaw on May 8, 2013
Very cool and thanks for sharing! Remember to wear a face mask, people. There are some really bad stuff in circuit boards and you don't want to breath in that dust.
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Airborne Media Pros on May 8, 2013
I love it!!!!
Really clever!
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DigitalRambler on May 8, 2013
Very CyberPunk. Super Cool
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Fiberglass supply from computer parts