First Flight of my Tricopter (and CAD Progress)

by MarkGlover | June 17, 2013 | (4) Posted in Just Fun

So finally finished the frame of my tricopter and attempted the first flight earlier today (Video Below)

(It was rather windy when I flew this)

I have done a few more flights (videos on my YouTube Channel) but I dont have enough space so keep crashing (and I'm pretty bad at flying it at the moment)

soon I should be building another frame, but need to finalise the CAD model of it first. At this stage its going to be made from Aluminium square tube and 5mm Polycarb. I just need to work out a good system for the battery/camera tray that will hang underneath the tricopter. (Below are the renders of the current CAD Model)

Above is the render with the landing gear at the end of the booms

Above is the render with the landing gear nearer to the middle of the Tricopter


RoyBro on June 18, 2013
My first Tricopter flight was much the same. I was too eager to get it up and try to tune the KK2 card. Needless to say, it showed some basic flaws in my build. So I'll be trying again this weekend.
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XFlyer on June 18, 2013
Try to keep the battery away from impact from the ground. Put some wood below the motos to avoid impact using landing gear to get the system off the ground. It's not good for batterys...
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MarkGlover on June 18, 2013
If you look at my other videos on that YouTube channel you will see that I added landing gear. this was the only flight where it didn't have landing gear
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RotateB4TheEnd on June 18, 2013
I recommend that you try your first few flights from grass. I did this for my first couple of flights the other day and it helped a lot.
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gmyers2112 on June 22, 2013
use the entire length of the boom arms as well. The farther the rotors are from the center, the more stable this configuration will be.
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First Flight of my Tricopter (and CAD Progress)