Flip MWC Flight Controller 1.5 Tricopter setup

by PaladinDG | February 6, 2014 | (4) Posted in How To

I just purchased and setup the Flip MWC Flight Controller 1.5 for my new scratch built tricopter and I thought some might find this helpful. Although this is specific to the tricopter, there are several aspects you will find helpful for other multi-rotors using this FC.

Let me say first I am NOT an expert or very experienced in Arduino, multiwii or programming boards... I am a newbie to the multi-rotor hobby. I do have a Aeorsky 550 Hex that a buddy sold to me with the MultiWii pro FC, but it was already setup. MultiWii can be overwhelming, but it is not bad if you have someone to help you. 

I made this video to help all the newbies like myself figure out how to get this setup as easily as possible. 

In the following video there are a couple lines in Arduino that I failed to mention...

1) I deactivated the Aux2 channel, find the term "RCAUXPIN12" to locate this in the code

2) You may need to change your servo refreshrates if using a digital servo... I changed mine to 300Hz

3) Under HW PWM Servos, I uncommented "#define SERVO_PIN5_RFR_RATE  200" to further smoothout the tail servo


 Related links:

Flip 1.5 FC - http://witespyquad.gostorego.com/flight-controllers/flip-mwc-flight-controller.html

Files for the Flip FC - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3ptxpwesovd7tx3/gYdZU3lXQh

Motor layout - 










Stick commands - 

Here is the maiden flight video:

I hope you find this helpful... if you have any questions let me know, since I am a newbie I may not be able to answer, but I am sure someone can.


rcflyer729 on February 9, 2014
Thanks a lot I had a time getting mine set up. I just wish that I had this when I was getting mine setup.
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iimeme on February 9, 2014
Thank you for the great video. I have one question, though. I just bought a flip board preloaded with tricopter firmware from RTF quads. What do I have to do to adjust the PID and stuff without changing the tri settings already on the board?

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PaladinDG on February 9, 2014
When I bought my FC I choose tricopter, but it came with the Pre-loaded with Quad X, as was noted in the description. So you will probably have to use Arduino to load the tricopter firmware also. The stock PID settings in the firmware are a good starting point. Once you get your copter in the air you can see how it flies and make adjustments from there. I only had to dial down my yaw PIDs a little. There is a great recent article on PIDs that you should read.
You may need to do nothing, it just depends on your setup. I have found that if my tricopter is not balanced it had issues too, so be careful to locate your CG and balance everything with the placement of your battery.
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PaladinDG on February 9, 2014
Refer to the article "Symmetrical Tricopter and T-Copter Design Theory" to figure out where your CG is located if you dont already know
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Mastrmindz on June 12, 2014
Sweet. Did you have to power the servo separately, or did the FC provide enough power for it to operate. I am having problems with my Flip board because the tail servo will not move on command -which is most likely due to not having enough power.
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PaladinDG on June 12, 2014
Yes, definitely power the servo from the UBEC... I initial had the same issue when I powered thru the FC
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Mastrmindz on June 12, 2014
Quick question: Do you know which ESC or pin port delivers power to the FC?
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PaladinDG on June 12, 2014
I powered the FC using a UBEC connect to ESC port 3. Then I used the signal wire ONLY from the ESC. Hope this helps
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Mastrmindz on June 12, 2014
How would u connect the UBEC to the servo? Y-splitter?
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PaladinDG on June 12, 2014
I like to make my own harness by soldering the wires, but you could use a Y-splitter. I dont have any hobby shops close by, and hate to wait on things ordered online, so I tend to make any wire connections I need
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Flip MWC Flight Controller 1.5 Tricopter setup