Flite Fest Epic Crash

by StoneBlueAirlines | July 30, 2014 | (5) Posted in Just Fun


I "Bondjr." was piloting my Chimera wing when it found its way into the path of a 3D Atom Heli. What was an epic crash turned into a wonderful outcome with me and the hell pilot making friends and with me and the support of the on lookers giving him the money needed to make his repairs and get flying again. I found out today the Chimera Wing designed by "iBcrazy" takes no prisoners. I look forward to my new Chimera build with the help of our master builder at Stone Blue Airlines "Matt" and just might offer up my personal wing to a fellow pilot in need. I love that this hobby is about a brother hood of like minded people and our flying day was ended with no hard feeling. What a great bunch of guys I got to hang out with this weekend!!! See you all next year. More to come from our journey to Flite Fest. We were flying about 60 feet off the flight line doing some filming for flite test. It was an epic weekend.

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shermanhartman on July 30, 2014
I saw this live. It was a brutal crash. I'm glad some good came from it.
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StoneBlueAirlines on July 30, 2014
It was nuts.
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Flymann on July 30, 2014
That was an awesome video. I didn't make it to Flitefest this year, but my son and I really wanted to meet Mr. Jeremiah. Next year for sure!
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StoneBlueAirlines on July 30, 2014
Come next year was a great event.
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Crash_Expert on July 31, 2014
Why were you going across multiple flight lines?
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1959cutter on August 1, 2014
excellent question!
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Crash_Expert on August 1, 2014
This "epic" crash was due to unsafe flying and crossing flight lines that should have not been crossed. Mr. Bondjr sees this as something that was awesome and I see this as a terrible safety violation. There is a thread on Helifreak about this posted by the said pilot of the helicopter. It has gathered almost 100 replies since the video went up. Most of them are wondering why Mr. Bondjr flies like this and then turns around and tries to be an ambassador for this hobby with StoneBlueAirlines. Some even say he needs to have his AMA membership revoked. I don't blame them. Here is the link: http://www.helifreak.com/showthread.php?t=639600 I believe this ordeal needs to be reevaluated from its original term of "epic" to something more along the lines of "FPV pilot violates safety rules and destroys another man's aircraft" My $0.02...
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ABQ Bobcat on August 6, 2014
I agree - the video shows this wing going straight across (90 degrees) from the line and crossing several boxes. Regardless of who or what he was shooting video for, the video looks like this was a very unsafe maneuver. If the heli was in the wrong spot, why would everyone be so generous with their money for repairs? If I saw a heli doing crazy stuff and got rammed, I sure wouldn't pony up any cash.
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StoneBlueAirlines on August 6, 2014
I did not really care who was at fault my plane had no damage and his did so best to help a buddy out when you can. Crashes happen and it was a fun weekend.
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StoneBlueAirlines on August 1, 2014
Nothing was unsafe about my flying. We were shooting some footage for Flite Test and the reality is we both crossed paths. I was not running a mobius as some people commented. I had guys around me and also had made a few passes in that area like three before we hit. Neither of us saw each other and neither is to blame. Things happen at meets they just do. To blame FPV when not understanding it is to say al LOS aircraft are unsafe as well. I was from the flight line over 60 feet maybe more. We were in open clear space an i was in the air from what we know first. I hate the blame game the video is epic because its a crash. Not epic because time was lost but you know I decided to give away my plane in support of this hobby because we all have the opportunity to loose with all this bickering. I don't know one RC guy that has not crashed in there life if there honest. Things happen and I made right on things regardless because at the end of the day I love flying and care about our hobby. Thanks for the comment and link.
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StoneBlueAirlines on August 1, 2014
Anything past the grass line was up field.
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Flite Fest Epic Crash