Flow Festival - great Summer feeling

by RCSchim | August 7, 2013 | (4) Posted in Just Fun

A friend from the school days who makes a great job by managing a popular techno festival in Wiener Neustadt asked me to film it from above. I already missed last years FLOW because it was terribly hot (38°). This year it was also around 35°C hot - but fun anyways - and great light in the golden hour!
Thanks to all the friendly people there! And no! It's not a police drone! ;-) So many nice people there! btw. Flow stands for: "feel love on weekend"





Flying Penguin RC on August 16, 2013
Great video, keep up t he great work.
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JasonEricAnderson on August 12, 2013
The FPV 'wave' was hilarious. Makes me think it could be worth putting an extra wave servo on the bottom with a little smilie face or hand you and wave at people.

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paulj on August 24, 2013
Great shots - lovely video. Without wishing to detract from your effort, I would be worried if you had any sort of equipment failure while flying over all those people and their vehicles. You could end up with a dangerous projectile which could cause significant injury or damage. Are you flying a quad, or something with redundancy built in (eg octocopter)?
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Flow Festival - great Summer feeling