Fly it sideways. An experimental multirotor.

by rchacker | February 25, 2013 | (21) Posted in Projects

I propose a challenge to the Flite Test crew:

Can you add just two more servos to David's tricopter to achive the same type of motion?


Adib Vahedi on March 2, 2013
awesome that is a great idea!!!!

Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
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Sonicg on February 26, 2013
Could you put this also under a switch, so you could toggle between "normal" mode and "rchacker" mode? In case you don't have/want an 3rd stick. Tis could be useful for AP for example.

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rchacker on February 26, 2013
'rchacker mode' nice. I don't see why not the Open9x firmware is very flexible.
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Sonicg on February 27, 2013
Is it now possible to fly a looping, instead of a flip?
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ddrueding on February 26, 2013
Fantastic. I've been playing around with the idea of crossing an H-Quad with a tilt-wing (V-22 style) for faster, longer flights.

Have you modified the onboard software to use the additional DOF for stability?
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rchacker on February 26, 2013
No software mods needed, just mixing settings on the KK2 and Open9x.
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ddrueding on February 26, 2013
Mixing gives you an either /or situation. In order to maximize the utility of this capability, you should be able to control the angle of attack independently of motion. My thoughts were to use the additional DOF as a substitute for a pan and tilt system.
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rchacker on February 26, 2013
Not really, I can roll, yaw and pan at the same time no problem. I just need a bit more practice before I can do it without crashing.
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FliteTest on February 26, 2013
Thanks for sharing! This looks great. We're working on a version of this... however, we mounted the two front servos parallel. Bixler did a couple flights, but David and I haven't seen it yet.
You should post your settings for you mixes.
Kind regards,
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rchacker on February 26, 2013
Cheers Chad. I will do eventually. Probably a whole new video. It takes a bit of work but I am sure anyone with knowledge of the KK2 and Open9x mixing should be able to figure it out. It is the kind of thing that is fairly easy to do but difficult to explain.
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Jake Wells on February 27, 2013
Can't wait to see how tilting those motors affects the camera. Wondering if you'll have any weird vibration issues.
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rchacker on February 27, 2013
I have been testing with the camera. When I get it right it is as smooth as silk. The only vibration is from my thumbs. :)
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Sirglider on February 26, 2013
Brillant idea!
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Flood on January 16, 2014
Great Project!
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Fly it sideways. An experimental multirotor.