FPV, not always as planned. Failure.

by x3mperformance | March 29, 2013 | (6) Posted in Just Fun

I would really, and i mean like Really have loved to post a awsome FPV video here. That was not gonna happend, insted i can tell about my failure trip.

I had, due to my job, the opportunity to go to a fabulous place in the northern parts of Sweden, just shy of the Arctic Circle. And the nature is breathtaking. Lakes, wilderness, forrest and not a lot of people. The site i had to go to, a test facility for vintertest of prototype cars, trucks and machinery. Had even one myself, yep, a real prototype, on the load.


But a trip like this, needs some preparation, if you want to go FPV away from home, supply of parts and comfort.

I packed my tricopter, my Spektrum DX18, my charger case and 4x 3300 mAh Turnigy Nano Tech batt's, some spare props, solder iron, solder, helping hand, extra wood for a breakdown in a arm, glue, tools and almost everything needed, almost!


Arrived at the location.


My home is in Denmark (at the yellow marker.), and my destenation of Arjeplog, Sweden (by the green arrow in top), A small trip of 1600 kilometers or 1000 miles. Thanks to Google maps for the map.


The nature is AWSOME! Nothing less.

Sun, Snow and at times, freezing cold like - 40 deg celcius or less.

The day showed a -5,5 deg (I was actually cheated by the thermometer in my truck, due to the internal heaters... That's why i state the temp is higher in the video.)

I had everything ready, arrived at saturday, had to unload at monday.

I prepared my FPV gear, checked the videolink, perfect, 1,2 Ghz gear, brand new. The GoPro Hero 3 mounted, switched on, and i started recording, with the wifi from my IPhone, and dropped the phone in my pocket., Dis-armed my tri.

Take off.

Uhh, what a feeling, dropped the Fatsharks, and flew like never before, enjoying myself big-time.

Cruised arround on both sides of the road, in between the pine trees. 

What the H....Flipped suddently, and cartwheeled deep into the snow, app. 100 meters/yards into the forrest.

The search started, and i found the tricopter buried in about a full meter (3 feet) of snow a good lenght in between the trees.

The tri had a broken arm and a loose propeller. Not shure what is the cause of the accident, and what's due to the rather harsh landing.

My GoPro was thrown off it's mount, and was deep in the snow, all the way to the ground, some serious digging later, it also was located, and safe.


I then got the tricopters arm changed, everything dryed, and powered on, check, all ok. Turned it of.

Checked my GoPro, i wanted to look at the video, to get a look at, what might have caused the flip.

What the.... Ahhhh maaaaaannnn, you must be kiddin'

The GoPro was actually turned off by my phone, when i dropped that into my pocket!!!  15 sek of pre flight video, That's all folks.


Then i just mounted everything again, made ready, checked videolink, turned on the GoPro, and connected the battery to the Tri...

Pufffff, smoke arose from one ESC and the wires from it!!!


NO!!!!! And a lot of other words that is not suited for posting.


My tricopter gave up. ESC choose to die, burned up and melted the throttle servo negative. Beyond repair in my truck. Bugger!!! One small detail, i did not bring, a spare ESC... I even have 5 meters of servowire with me.


So,my frustration was at a rampage, and i just sat for hours looking at testflight videos, i have on my laptop.

Then suddenly, an idea.

I could make a small presentation of myself. Also show this location, that i love so much, and tell my story of the small things that can ruin your day. That's Murphy's law!!!

Here's the short video.


But as a small extra surprice, the fanbelt snapped due to a zeised bearing monday morning, when i had to drive into the test center for unloading... Just to rub more salt into my bleeding wounds. Had to spend yet a full day, without any possible way of getting any FPV or flights.

Hope you learn the lesson like m.

Back up, don't give up, and be creative.


Please comment, and do rate, even if you think it's a poor article and even worse video.

As a small bonus, i even got a glimps of the newest Ferrari prototype, and a lot of others.



x3mperformance on April 2, 2013
Have been through the tri now.
And it seems like the only thing that went wrong, was a short cuircet between the servo wires, on that one ESC.
After replacement of the throttle wire, everythin seems in working order.
Bugger... That's the only ESC on the Tri, which actually has more than one (The signal wire) attached to it! This one has also ground and a positive live wire...
I will give it a go tomorrow, but brand new ESC's are going on, before my new Ardupilot Mega 2.5 gets mounted on the tricopter, and a bunch of new ESC's er on the way from HK.
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SpidarX on March 31, 2013
Enjoyed the read, sorry for the misfortune!
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x3mperformance on March 31, 2013
Thanks, But do not feel sorry, i was paid good to go there, the bonus was a bit of FPV, and the prototypes. I love this area arround Arjeplog, and it's like an vacation for me, when i am there. Lean back and relaxed, kind'a discribes this small place.
My morale of this is, prepare good, and double that, anything that can go wrong, almost certainly will go wrong.
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Jake Wells on March 31, 2013
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FPV, not always as planned. Failure.