FPV Quad 2,5km flight controlled from a moving car

by tecdux | February 28, 2013 | (8) Posted in Just Fun

I've done a FPV flight with my quadcopter, controlling it from a car, during 2,5km. It was a great experience! At 3:45 the quad reached more than 60km/h (~40mph)

WARNING: this video was done after testing the quadcopter structure, crash resistance, vibration, aerodynamics, propellers resistance, wires connections, radio range in the worst conditions, radio failsafe, altitude hold and return to home testing, tuning of PID flight controllers, battery redundancy, calculating the flight time and many other tests, besides attaching a parachute system to the quadcopter and performing the flight with little traffic. In the worst case, the quadcopter would land using the parachute.



rchacker on March 4, 2013
No. Here is the the worst case:

You pass near a microwave communications tower which knocks out your radio links for a moment. Before you can react your aircraft crashes into a poor pedestrian. By freak chance one of the props slices their jugular. In the resulting panic they wander onto the road clutching their next as it spurts blood. Meanwhile in the ground car, everyone is looking up at the sky (rather than the road) looking for it returning to home. Thud, you collide with the already bleeding pedestrian. They bounce off the windscreen leaving a huge smear of blood and are thrown into the path of a bus coming from behind. The bus swerves to miss the now deceased pedestrian and collides with your car tearing the fuel tank, side doors and two arms off in the process. The quad gets squashed by the bus and the lipo battery instantly ignites from the 5 tons of pressure. Seconds later the ethanol fuel from your car light and your car is engulfed in a ball of flame. You and your driver burn to death.

Wait, there is a happy ending.

The police investigation fails to recognise that the charred remains of the quad are not part of the car wreckage. It turns out no one else witnessed the quad strike the pedestrian. Since everyone else involved is dead, the FPV community is safe.
The pedestrian turned out to be a serial killer, and a nation wide investigation was started on the safety of ethanol fuel.

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tecdux on March 4, 2013
that's almost a movie! hhehehehhe

did you press this button?

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rchacker on March 5, 2013
Lol. Cool. Nice flying by the way, balsy. Perhaps a little risky, but I would do the same given the chance.
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tecdux on March 5, 2013
Thanks ;) it was really exciting!
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santiago404 on March 1, 2013
Nice, i liked!
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tecdux on March 1, 2013
thanks ;)
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Roy Mustang on March 6, 2013
Nice video. But I do have to comment on the very high-risk nature of the flying. You may take every precaution possible, but we all know unexpected events can occur during a flight that are totally unforeseen. Flying in a high-risk and what is in my jurisdiction, illegal area is fun, but also dangerous. Did you have a buddy pilot who could take over if you became disoriented or lost control? Not just a failsafe or autopilot but a pair of eyes on the ground with radio control over the aircraft? Worstcase scenario is never what you expect, worstcase is in fact the worst thing that could happen, which might be in this instance the aircraft lands on the road or on a car on the road and causes an accident at highway speeds and someone dies. Very risky. Fun, yes and looks great, not my type of flying.
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tecdux on March 6, 2013
Yes, my friend was driving and also watching the quad. If I became disoriented I would activate position hold until I find it in the sky. If the radio looses connection with the receiver it would activate the parachute but i had tested the radio range in the worst conditions so this would be very unlikely ;)
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Tuga_75 on March 4, 2013
Bom video .......................... very nice
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tecdux on March 4, 2013
Obrigado ;)
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Adib Vahedi on March 3, 2013
Great following skills!

Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
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tecdux on March 3, 2013
thanks my friend! i'm glad you liked ;D
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Sirglider on March 1, 2013
Interesting experience, but dangerous flying over people eventhough you have failsafe and taken every precaution.
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tecdux on March 1, 2013
it was a unusual flight ;)
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FPV Quad 2,5km flight controlled from a moving car