FT 190% Punjet

by MESA RC | November 6, 2016 | (5) Posted in Projects


At Erwin Middle School, the beginning of the school year brings new students to the hobby and it usually equates to new ideas.  The Punjet has been around a little over a year now and no student has ever thought of messing with the small squirrely beast until now. Jill, an 8th grade student, wanted to take on the Punjet with a little twist to give her a better chance at flight. So she took the PDF drawings of the aircraft and scaled it up to 190 percent.  We have been asked why 190? She kept enlarging the aricraft until the fuselage fit the FT firewall (Motor mount), it fit perfect at this scale.  Any bigger she would have had to make an internal piece to mount to the plane. Oh did I mention this was her first plane she ever built!

Being her first build, she had her basic issues, one gluing the wing upside down and having to redo it!


The wing issue didn't stop her, she went on to create a beatiful build.

She used the following electronics to outfit her plane;

  1. Motor: https://store.flitetest.com/emax-rs-2205-2300kv-motor/
  2. ESC: https://store.flitetest.com/blheli-series-30a-esc-xt60/  
  3. Servos: https://store.flitetest.com/emax-es08a-ii-8-5g-servo/
  4. Battery: https://store.flitetest.com/lumenier-2250mah-3s-35c-lipo-battery/
  5. TX/RX: https://store.flitetest.com/spektrum-dxe-6-channel-transmitter/
At a 190 percent the normal firewall fits perfect on the center fuselage.


We are using the new DXE TX/RX for this project, we are happy with the setup so far since getting the controllers from Flite Test for exceeding expectations of the FT STEM challenge. More to come on that!!!!


Throwing the plane was easy due to the fuselage extending below the wings.


Cool shot of the punjet in the air by 7th grader Sam using the Chroma.


It flew inverted perfectly.


Having lots of control at 100 percent expo, flying low was a breeze.


All smiles!


Thank you for reading, watching, and supporting our program!

Keep flying,

The MESArc Team


Check out Flite Test's FT STEM Program: http://fliteteststem.com/ 


StatGSR on November 15, 2016
Nice work, the Punjet looks great in the size!
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FoamTest on November 11, 2016
At the next Flite Fest I was thinking of scaling up a pun jet to fit inside of Peter's giant guinea pig. I believe that it is a 300% guinea pig.
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Spacemonkeykj on November 16, 2016
Yea!! that would be sick. I am going to Flite Fest next year, that would be totally awesome. BTW the giant guinea pig is a bit less that 300% (small guinea pig wingspan=58 inches and giant guinea pig= 168 inches.)
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FoamTest on November 17, 2016
I am looking for a bunch of people to build it with at flite fest, I was thinking that we could cover it with puns too!
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minimo on November 6, 2016
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TurtlesThatFly on November 6, 2016
I once thought about making a giant pun jet too
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roma4593 on April 19, 2017
I made a 156% punjet and it flies amazing. I added a kf airfoil on the front half or so of the wings which strengthened it nicely and presumably adds a little bit of lift. Nice work!
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raymond on February 20, 2018
Nice job little ones are BIT SQUIRREL Y :)
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FT 190% Punjet