Ft Flyer with Ailerons

by Jacob Nallick | March 17, 2014 | (8) Posted in How To

This Photo shows how far the Aileron begins from the middle of the rudder (2 inches). It also shows how far apart the ends of the Ailerons should be from each other (4 inches). In order to apply Ailerons to your FT Flyer, you CAN NOT fold the wings up. You MUST keep them FLAT in order for them to work.

The Aileron should end 1.5 inches from the tips of the wings.

 I just put the servo for the Ailerons in front of the two for the rudder and elevator. Just make sure to put a little bend where your push rods come out from the servo arms, otherwise, your push rods will keep bumping into the arms of the other two servos.


cdharden on May 1, 2014
Have you tried ailerons with no rudder? I am still trying to master flight with the original build thought of doing ailerons with no rudder!
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lazermule on May 10, 2014
Why will it not work with the dihedral in the wings?
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capt_ks on April 15, 2014
I did something similar to this last fall and posted it here. However, I made a few mistakes and multiple corrections which finally produced a great flying plane but weakened wings which eventually broke. I hope to build a new one soon and will adopt your design which looks much better. How does it fly? That's the bottom line.
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Jacob Nallick on April 17, 2014
The plane flies very well. My dad and I came up with the idea of ailerons because i really like the body style if the FT Flyer, but I wanted to be able to perform rolls. I will say I am more than pleased with the results it puts out, and I hope you have the same.
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FlyingSloth on April 16, 2014
Nice idea, but i think it defeats the purpose of the FT-Flyer... This is basically a slower Bloody Wonder.

Also, if you rotated the Aileron servo 180 degrees the spline would be further from the rear servos giving better clearance ;)
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81zapper on April 17, 2014
Brilliant idea . I love flying the FT-flyer but wanted just a little bit more out of it as I have flown it seven times (Newbie of newbies) I tried the delta but it flew for 3 seconds. I am now building an ft-flyer/delta combo fingers crossed
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Jacob Nallick on April 17, 2014
"Wanting more for the FT Flyer is exactly why I built it with ailerons. It was frustrating at first because I am also a newbie (age 14), But I love to just go out an have fun.
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Ft Flyer with Ailerons