P51B Mustang from Coroplast

by joydey | October 5, 2017 | (7) Posted in Just Fun

I had been planning to make a ft scratch build but here in India foam board is not readily available. So after searching my locality the best building material I could find which would be suitable for FT plans was coroplast sheet. It is generally used for advertisements and has good retention for spray paint. It's made out of plastic and ca glue is one of the best options.

It is painted using grey spray paint.
The canopy made using soda bottle and thick paper

Thank you for reading!


dtarking on October 12, 2017
Nice work! its beautiful. Post a flight video if you can! So cool.
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mikeflight on October 6, 2017
That looks great. I used to build with coroplast and used glow engines. I still have a few sheets. It is very strong and takes crashes really well. Check out this site http://www.spadtothebone.net/ they only use coroplast and the plans for all models are on the site. Well done.
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tomh on February 11, 2018
That sir, is a work of art! VERY nice build..I am suddenly interested in researching coroplast..I know it is stronger than foam board.
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joydey on February 11, 2018
Actually I had to make it with coroplast due to the unavailability of foam board.
But yeah it is stronger and cheaper than foam board and also a little heavier
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BruceR on August 13, 2019
Well played.
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BoredGuy on July 10, 2020
That's one beautiful plane! How much heavier is it than one with normal dtfb?
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P51B Mustang from Coroplast