ft spitfire mk-24

by alon-zil | August 29, 2014 | (5) Posted in Projects

when my durafly spitfire crashed I decided to try the flite test spitfire and I have the suprise of my
life its fly so batter then the durafly I was in love in first flight.
no tip stool very easy to fly and the landing so slow and nice.
I toke parts from the durafly model and used them on the FT spitfire and I am using 1200kv motor on it
battery 2200mah.

and now a new short video





Krivak957 on October 8, 2014
The Mk. 24 looks pretty good. It is a nice variation of the original FT Spitfire. What happened to the Durafly Spitfire?
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LordVader on October 7, 2014
Nice job, all of the Flite Test planes fly very well. Congrats on another fine Spitfire build.
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Miracle Air on October 7, 2014
Like the paint, and using bits from the dead spit is clever.
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alon-zil on October 21, 2014
I crashed It becuase I got too low and slow he stold and crashed too pisses
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yehudah on November 27, 2015
alon your english is classic, great to see people flying in Israel, I will be visiting Israel next week, maybe you will let me fly your new spitfire :>)
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Flying Fox on November 19, 2014
Cool Mate
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ft spitfire mk-24